Episode 2 - tests

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We start at the prison where Rojo was sitting in, and she was board out of her mind. She was pushing her fingers against the metal bars of her cell.

Guard will you cut that out?

Rojo: well, I've got nothing else to do.

Guard: that's the point of prison.

Suddenly her cell has a hole blown in its wall. From it some forever knights entered her cell and they grabbed onto her.

Rojo: what are you freaks doing?

One of the knights knocked out the guard and they left without a trace. Rojo was taken back to the lab where she found herself lying down on a cold, metal bed. She woke up and she started to look around as she found Driscoll and Dr Viktor standing over her.

Rojo: whatever you're trying to do to me. It won't work.

Driscoll: you should be thanking us for breaking you out of prison.

Rojo: and who are you?

Driscoll: call me the forever king. I am here to offer you a chance for revenge on the girl who got you locked in prison to begin with.

Rojo: and how do you think I'm going to be able to do that? She's got that omnitrix thing with her.

Driscoll: when she shut down your alien nanites, somewhere left behind. You can use them to talk to some technology. My friend here has a suit for you to try out.

Rojo: and If I say no?

Driscoll clicked his fingers as some knights brought over three treasure chests will with riches.

Rojo: all right, consider me in.

Cut to a lake where Gwen was XLR8, and ben had created a mana platform under him as well as having a mana band wrapped around Gwen's stomach. Under the moon light, Gwen took ben water skiing, both of them testing out their powers, and having some fun.

Ben: come on, this is too slow.

Gwen: you'll regret saying that.

She then sped up considerably as ben fell ff of the mana platform, skipping across the water as Gwen came to a stop on the ground. With his mask equipped, his hoverboard blocked his fall.

Gwen: still to slow for you?

Ben: maybe, let's test out if my hoverboard can keep up with you.

She then timed out.

Gwen: get back to me in about 10 minutes.

Ben then flew back over the lake. Gwen watching as she yawned, she didn't want to go back to sleep, not after the nightmare and perfect day she had just the other day, and she had been fighting the need to sleep for the past 3 days. However, as she started to close her eyes, ben was hit by some kind of laser. Knocking him off of his board. As ben traded the water, he found himself surrounded by some kind of smoke that was blocking his vision. Seeing this, Gwen immediately jumped into action, changing into ripjaws. She leaped into the water and her tail forming over her legs and she started to approach ben as her tail was seemingly pulled further down into the water. Meanwhile ben found the smoke clearing and his mask managed to see through the fading smoke.

Ben: where did that fog come from?

He swam back to land where he found Gwen was missing.


Not finding Gwen anywhere, he ran back inside the rustbucket to wake up a deep in sleep max. meanwhile, underwater, Gwen's bio-luminant light on her head lighting up the water around her. With that she was able to see somebody wearing completely red Armor. The person was easily slicing through the water as if it was nothing and they managed to get in a single hit on Gwen before Gwen grabbed onto the person, spinning it around in the water and then throwing it into some rocks.

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