Episode 12 - Gwen 10 VS the negative 10 part 2

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Ben: wow, kangaroo commando, Phil, Kevin, Charmcaster, animo, Clancy, zombozo, rojo...


Cooper: and who's the guy in the Armor?

Ben: never met him.

Gwen: but I think we have. Back in my perfect day.

Driscoll: you have been a thorn in our sides for too long Tennyson, and you've bult up a quite the list of enemies. And now we're all here to fight you. BEHOLD THE NEGATIVE 10!

Gwen: this is bad.

Max: we need to get inside before that knight can use the key.

Gwen: I'll get you guys a distraction.

Ben: you're not leaving me out of this.

Max: are you two sure?

Gwen: if we keep them distracted out here, you won't have to fight them inside.

Max: just be careful, and playthings smart.

Gwen: 10 of them, we'll need 10 of us.

She activated the omnitrix, before running outside of the rustbucket and slamming down on it. Trying to get ditto, but instead finding herself with howler.

Ben: ditto would've only slowed us down anyway.

He formed a mana bubble around them, and Driscoll took this as a sign to put the final steps of his plan into action. However, Dr Viktor, upon seeing howler, felt something he never thought he would. Anger.

The eight recruits jumped down while Driscoll contend to stand at the top of the cliffside.

Ben: 2 on 8. Dude, I love those kinds of odds.

Gwen sent out a powerful sonic howl that shattered the mana bubble and it sent Dr animo flying back. However, the others managed to stand their ground.

Charmcaster: bye bye goodie two shoes.

Gwen just ran forward on all fours. She grabbed onto Charmcaster, throwing her into Clancy, howling at Kevin and she managed to shatter part of the crystals on his am, as well as sending Kevin's goop flying back and into Zombozo who had to remove it from his eyes. Ben flew overhead. Blasting Dr animo and rojo before creating a tornado to grab them all up. Phill staying in the background, avoiding all confrontation while reporting the process to Driscoll.

Max: it's now or never.

Cooper looked at the battlefield as he felt a lot of fear. However, max yanked him towards the mountain.

Gwen: who wants some more?

Kevin tried to pounce at her, and Gwen pounced back at him.

Gwen: come on Kevin, please. I'm sorry.

Kevin growled as his flaming arms started to bun her fur. Knowing she didn't have a choice she howled at him, sending him flying into the air, where he used his stinkfly wings to keep himself airborne.

Ben flew right past him, trying to avoid the sonic howls of Dr Animo's bat and a flying Rojo. He ducked down, forcing them to crash into an airborne kangaroo commando.

Kain: hey, we're on the same team.

He launched towards Gwen who howled right back at him, not letting him anywhere close to her as zombozo snuck up behind her. Placing his hands on her head and forcing some hallucinations to play in her mind. Ben shot at him, before Clancy shot out enough bugs to send him crushing to the ground. Meanwhile max and cooper had found the secret hatch.

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