Episode 4 - The Thousand Eyes of Ahuizotl

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We start somewhere in a canyon, Gwen as stinkfly flying with an antenna in her hand.

Gwen: so why am I doing this? Shouldn't I be watching the show with you two?

Zak: you're the one who can fly.

Gwen: yeah, but I'm also the one who can speak between me and Fisk. And what happens if I need the watch and I'm in cool down?

Zak: hold on, you're getting the perfect signal.

As she reached the top of the canyon, she found that hyenas were standing there waiting for her. She just blasted them with goo, holding them in place while she talked back to Zak.

Gwen: is this good enough for you?

Fisk made a noise signifying she was doing good, and we then cut to the TV where a coffin is blown wide open as V.V. Argost raised from the coffin.

V.V. Argost: have you missed me world? I'm touched.

Zak and Fisk were drinking from cans of soda when Doc screeched...


Zak immediately turned off the Tv as he turned around to see his parents entering in the room.

Doc: it's all over the news feeds. Weird World is back on the air.

Zak and Fisk sat in fear as Doc asked for the remote. Zak handed it over reluctantly as Doc turned on the TV.

Argos: oh yes how good it feels to reward your hope. Argos lives.

Comodo growled before looking around, being the only one to notice that Gwen was missing. The reason was that she had timed out on the side of the cliff face, and she was just waiting to time back in.

Zak: I thought that doyal...

Doc: looks like doyal was wrong, Argost is alive and broadcasting

Drew: I can't believe I'm seeing this, and that it's so clear down here.

Gwen finally timed back in, and she dug into the cliff face using Wildvine and she re-entered the ship.

Doc: where have you been?

Gwen: ugh... spreading my roots.

Doc looked at her confused before argost demanded their attention.

V.V. Argost: my devoted fans, my misguided foes and especially those in between, oh my does your uncle argost have a treat for you tonight...

Doc turned off the TV.

Doc: that's more than I care to see.

Drew: looks like our hide and rest time is over.

Doc: next move?

Drew: let's go and figure that out.

They walk out and Zak shooed Comodo out.

Zak: sorry comodo, it needs to just be the three of us. The Kur guardian, Kur and the alien girl.

Comodo make a snarky snarl as he left, and Gwen crossed her arms.

Gwen: I still don't like this.

Zak: seriously, you've never worked with a bad guy before?

Gwen: closest I got is when I got trapped in space with Kevin and Charmcaster.

Zak: right the evil witch and insane mutant guy, right?

Gwen: Kevin is more than just a mutated guy. Besides, I've seen a universe where he's a good guy.

Zak: you've been to alternate dimensions too?

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