Short: new kid.

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She took a deep breath as they looked at the building in front of her. The school, and she had one mission, o become friends with Gwen Tennyson to learn all she could about Gwen. She stepped inside and within seconds she found what she was looking for. She found Gwen Tennyson she had managed to break in during the 45-minute lunch break. However as soon as she got ready to talk to Gwen she watched as ben pulled out his hoverboard and he jumped on it with Gwen and another girl. However, two others were left behind. She walked over to them, and she introduced herself to them.

Eunice: hello, my name is Unice.

She said with her voice shaky as she was clearly terrified.

Jonesy: hey, my names Jonesy. Nice to meet you. Are you new in town?

Eunice: yes, I'm new in town. I was wondering if that was Gwen Tennyson that just flew off there.

She asked as her body was shaking with fear at the thought of being caught.

Emily: are you sure you're not talking about ben? It's his hoverboard and he is the superhero around here.

Emily said, completely unaware of the omnitrix. As was Jonesy.

Eunice: I was just wondering why Gwen was flying off since she doesn't have powers... right?

Unice said confused, although the others took it as her trying to make them question if Gwen did.

Jonesy: I mean, I'm pretty sure she doesn't.

Emily: I'm sure shed tell us if she had.

Eunice: ok... so... do you want to do something?

She asked as her voice started to break with anxiety.

Jonesy: I could go for some food.

Emily: I could too. Mind taking me there? My arms are getting tired from rolling all over this place. You guys need to have this school made more wheelchair accessible.

Jonesy: I'll let principal white know when I can.

Eunice started following as she saw a bunny bouncing onto the school ground.

Eunice: hello little guy.

Jonesy: aren't you coming?

He looked over at her and saw as she picked the rabbit up. A small green flash coming from behind her, seemingly coming from her back as she seemed to have a new spring in her step.

Emily: what's with the green light?

Eunice: what green light?

Jonesy: the one from when you touched the rabbit.

Eunice: I didn't see any light.

Emily: just forget it. You're going to ned to drop the bunny if we're going to head inside.

Eunice: but I can't drop Charles. He's got a broken leg.

Jonesy: how can you tell?

Eunice: I can just feel it.

Emily: let's take it to the nurse and see if she can help them out. He can ride with me if you want.

Eunice: I think Charles wants to stay with me.

Emily: ok... are you sure you don't need to see the nurse.

Jonesy: what are you about?

Cut to inside of the nurse's office where the nurse was trying to figure out what to do with the rabbit.

Nurse: I've called the vet and I'll be able to take the Charles to the vet once school is over.

Emily rolled over to the nurse as Jonesy and Unice stayed in a different room.

Emily: I think you need to take a look at the girl as well. When she picked up the rabbit there was this like green flash. I don't really know how to explain it but...

Nurse: are you sure the sun wasn't playing tricks on you? It's a pretty hot day and you're wearing a cardigan.

She then looked and saw Eunice's worried face.

Nurse: But I'll take a look at her anyway.

Cut to the nurse already mid examination, looking for any cuts or bruises or anything.

Nurse: well, I'm not really seeing anything wrong. Although I have noticed that you are holding your hair a lot. Is it because your nervous?

Eunice: I'm still new around here.

She explained grabbing the back of her own neck, trying to hide the circuitry she knew was there.

Nurse: would you mind if I took a quick look?

Eunice soundly leaped high into the air, before landing after hitting her head on the ceiling. The others looking at her with their eyes wide open.

Eunice: I... ugh...

She didn't know how to respond, and we cut to later outside where Josey and Emily were trying to figure out what they had seen.

Jonesy: maybe we had better let ben deal with this one.

Emily: I think I see them over there.

The pair walked off with an embarrassed Unice following. 

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