Episode 8 - tourist trap

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As the group arrived on the highway, they found themselves stuck in some traffic, only a few minutes away from there stop but the traffic refused to move. Ben was pulling faces at a random kid in the car that was just across from them.

Gwen: love the new look, it suits you.

Ben just looked at her with a funny face and she slipped out a little giggle that ben noticed and pointed out. Gwen wanted to continue to refuse the idea that she laughed but ben knowing she did.

Max: all right you two, I remember coming here when I was just a kid myself. You guys should love this place.

Gwen: I just hope it wasn't like the last place we visited.

Ben: I know right, I'm still trying to recover from the boardem of the plain white city.

Max: I thought you'd need a break after helping so many people.

Gwen looks out of the window, and she spots a sign. Sparksville: you'll have a ball.

Gwen: what does that even mean?

Ben: do you think that other Cannonbolt are here?

Gwen: I very much doubt it, we'd know about it by now.

They drive into town and spot many different giant sculptures resting on top of buildings and the pair look around, confused.

Ben: how is this meant to be interesting?

Max: I mean look at them. How do you make a fishbowl that big, was it hand crafted or did a factory make it, and what's that factory doing now?

Gwen: I don't know.

She had no interest and when the mayor walked up to them, talking in a monotone tone with them.

Earl: welcome to Sparksville. Please make sure to follow the signs.

Ben: wait, there are more rules to follow? This is insane.

Max: there probably just for our safety, right?

Earl: indeed. Now make sure you mind the signs and have fun in our little town.

He walks off and after the trio spend a lot of time looking around, eventually max broke off from the duo to go and get a room for them to spend the night in and ben decided that he wanted to go against the rules.

Ben: come on Gwen, let's go and see what there blocking off.

Gwen: I don't know, I don't think that's a good idea.

Ben: Gwen. What else are we supposed to do in this town? Besides if we get into any trouble, you can just go hero and get us out of there.

Gwen: so, if something goes wrong, I have to clean it up.

Ben: you've gotten used to it by now. Come on.

Gwen: all right, fine. I've got nothing better to do anyway.

As they walk, continuing to ignore all of the signs they found a giant rubber band ball.

Gwen: this is what there hiding?

Ben: I bet you four arms can't lift it up.

Gwen: you want to bet on it?

Ben: I've got my allowance right here.

He shows Gwen the few stay coins that ben had managed to keep in together and Gwen cracked her knuckles and the changed into fourarms, grabbing hold of it and tossing it from hand, to hand, to hand, to hand.

Gwen: I'll be taking that money now.

She bent down and extended out one of her lower arms and ben placed the money into the hand. However, as Gwen tried to get herself back to a full stance, she found that the rubber band ball ended up falling out of her hands and it started bouncing. The two chased it and it knocked over several exhibits and Gwen was able to catch it and return it back to the barn. Timing out as she leaned against it, some pink energy from the omnitrix leaking into the rubber band ball.

Ben: what just happened with the watch?

Gwen: I don't know but it shouldn't be anything to bad. Right?

Ben: don't ask me, I don't know, it's your watch.

The pair returned to town and as the sun set, they found max inside of a hotel with beds on the wall and they all got into their beds, sleeping until the next morning where they were woken up by the sounds of electrical buzzing. They rushed outside where they found yellow electricity bouncing around.

Gwen: what's going on?

Earl: it looks like the megawatt escaped.

Ben: megawatt?

Earl: an electrical alien that we had locked up in that rubber band ball years ago.

Max: isn't that a little dangerous to leave lying around?

Earl: not as long as people mind the signs.

Ben and Gwen look at each other before they run inside of the rust bucket. Ben grabbing his mask and hoverboard while Gwen tried to change into Diamondhead, instead getting upgrade.

Ben: how's upgrade supposed to help us here? Isn't she weak to electricity?

Gwen: I didn't want upgrade, but I might be able to work with this.

She merged with the hover board, covering it with her pink and black textures, the underside of it holding the omnitrix and her white texture. Ben jumped on the hoverboard, and they flew out of the rustbucket and further up.

Earl: those are some grandchildren you've got there.

Max: those aren't my grandchildren.

Earl: what every you say.

As ben and Gwen flew up higher and higher, they spotted the flowing yellow electricity on the electrical wires and Gwen flew them in close.

Ben: what do you think upgrade, think we can get him out of there?

Gwen: we can try.

She moved her eye further to the left and from it shot a beam of pink energy that shocked the megawatt out of electrical pole, however it had split into two

Ben: was that supposed to happen?

Gwen: no.

They watched as it split further and further and as Gwen tried to shoot at them, the megawatts retaliated by shooting electricity at her, making her fall off of the board and to the ground. Ben descended back to the ground, and he lifted his mask up for a moment.

Ben: are you ok?

Gwen: I feel winded, I need a minute.

However, she times out and ben had to pull her out of the way of the incoming electrical blasts.

Ben: what are we meant to do now?

Max: if there electrical, then we need something that can insulate them.

Gwen: like a giant glass bowl?

They look up at the giant fishbowl and when she times back in, Gwen changes into XLR8 and she attaches the glass bowl to the hoverboard via rope. Ben managed to fly it to the dam where the megawatts were causing untold damage.

Gwen: hey megawatts. You want electricity, then I've got a massive car battery for you.

She shows it off and starts running towards the almost invisible glass bowl, the megawatts ran inside of it and ben placed the hoverboard on top of it. the two high fiving as they got it back to town, placing them in a giant lightbulb that Sparksville had lying around and seeing It spark up the town. Earl thanked them for not only stopping the megawatts but also being able to put their abilities to use for the town. The trio then set off for their next adventure, whatever that might be. Vilgax sending a scouter drone to try and find out who wields the omnitrix, the drone however was glitchy and looking for a new host.

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