Movie Special: Breached

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We start our journey with Gwen waking up, clearly troubled by something. She was tossing and turning in her bed before yelling awake. She gasped for breath as she tried to gather her surroundings.

Gwen: just another nightmare.

She looked at the room around her. It was dark, cold, and as she looked down at her watch, she noticed that it was glowing, pulsing with some kind of red energy, the core spinning for a moment before returning to normal.

Gwen: that's...

She looked at the room around her. It wasn't her room, from the colour of the walls to the tiling on the floor. This wasn't even a bedroom; it couldn't have been. It was just... too empty. She needed to figure out just where she was. She attempted to look out of the room, she saw nothing but a red energy, it's form loose and flowing, yet it seemed to go on forever, but that couldn't be true. As she stepped away from the window she saw the energy fading, the sky returning to a grey colour. Fog encompassing the outside view. Gwen activated the omnitrix and she changed into Diamondhead.

Gwen: this had better work.

She charged forward, changing her arms into blade and as she cut through the window, she saw the energy swirling around her, and in an instant, she was on a street, from what she could see anyway. As she pulled herself up from being face first on the ground, she found that she was on a city block, the place was as empty as could be, no people, empty cars and a street light that was flickering between green and red, sparks emitting from the area.

Gwen: I should try to get a better view.

She slammed her foot on the ground and a giant crystal pole flew out from under her, sending her airborne. As she started to ascend the red energy returned, some kind of portal opining up and sending her flying towards the ground. Getting her hand to shatter as she landed. Gwen looked at them and groaned. Reforming them so that they weren't shattered any more. She then let out a scream.


She then noticed something in the distance, something flying towards her at high speeds. As she got a close look, she found that they were Petrosapien crystals. She grabbed onto one of them she inspected it was an ever so slightly lighter shade then her own. As she inspected it, she felt another woosh right past her, she then heard the voice of somebody trying a little too hard to be cool.

Voice: stay there whatever you are, I won't let another Evo stop me from getting out of here.

Gwen shot back her own Petrosapien crystals.

Gwen: I don't know who you are out there in the fog, but how did you get theses crystals? Petrosapien are extinct.

The voice didn't respond. The voice finally stepped close and saw that it was Gwen. the voice was shown to be coming from a Petrosapien, his arms exposed, and his torso covered in a black jumpsuit with a yellow V going from shoulder to shoulder.

Petrosapien: Gwen?

Gwen: wait, Ben?

The pair time out in a red flash, the red energy emitting from their watches, RB ben being reviled in his oversized shoes, cargo shorts, green shirt with a 10 logo by the top right shoulder breaking up the green into black, his omnitrix still being almost completely grey, with the black ends and the arrows on the dial being absent. The hourglass colouring now remains 2-tone grey, and white support tubes surrounded the dial. He ran over and hugged her; he was even shorter to her then her own ben was.

Gwen: you're cutting off my air supply here dweeb.

Rb ben: sorry, sorry. I've kinda been in here for a while.

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