Chappy 8 - The Holiday.

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We went inside and Harry and Louis where sitting oppisite each other, with a spare seat next to both of them.

"Where shall I sit?" Zayn asked.

"NEXT TO ME!" Louis exclaimed at Zayn.

"Ok, ok!" Zayn laughed sitting down.

I sat down next to Harry, as him and Louis smirked at each-other. "What?" I asked, checking my seat.

"Nothing." Louis and Harry said.

"Okay. Zayn do you know?" I asked him.

"Nope, wish I could tell you but I dunno." He said, checking his chair too.

"Okay, what kinda joke is this?" I asked.

"Urm, Nothing babe. Just pick what you want." Harry said, still smirking at me.

"FINE." I said. "I'm going to the toliet." I said standing up and storming to the toilet, when I thought i should do a little spying. I crotched down by the drink machine. I heard them.

"Okay Zayn, we'll tell you the plan. Promise not to tell Lily." I think Louis said.

"Promise." Zayn said.

"Well... Harry tells me he wants Lily to be his girlfriend..." WHAT THE?! "...We want to make Lily jealous, and want to go out with him.." He said.

"Promise not to tell her." Harry said.

"Okay but.. you have me in the running for her too." Zayn said.


I swear all of this is just a dream.

I walked back to the table.

"I didn't see you come out of the toilet." Harry said.

"Nether did I..." I said.

There was an awkward silence... really awkward. "So Megan where is the uni you wanna go?" Zayn asked.

"Paris, or New York. I have two choices." I said. 

"Cool, made up your mind?" He asked.

"I have a reason for each, Paris; It's closer to England. New York; Where I wanna work." I said.

"Yeah, I suppose you just gotta go where you need to follow your dreams." Zayn said.

"Shall we order?" Louis asked.

"Okay!" I said.

"Hazza my babe, do you and Lily wanna go up?" Louis said.

"Sure." Harry & I said.

"What do you and Zayn want?" I asked getting up. 

They said what they wanted, me and Harry went up to order. 

"What do you want?" Harry asked, putting my hand in lock with his. I told him my order and turns out we like the same thing. I mean from side orders to drinks.

We ordered, Harry payed with his credit card, we walked back and Zayn's face dropped when he saw our hands.

Harry winked at him if to say 'game on.' 

I only wanted Harry, to be honest.

But i'm not worth any of they're time.

We got the glasses, "Do you wanna come and fill up the glasses with me?" Zayn asked. I thought what I said next was a bit tight, oh well. I'm not a game.

"Me and Harry will do it, Zayn." I said picking up two of the glasses as Harry picked up the other two.

"Why did you do that?" Harry asked me.

"I dunno." I shrugged.

We did the drinks and walked back, sitting next to each other, as we all started eating.

We had pretty random convosations, It was 5 o'clock already, we had finshed for ages but just talked.

"Shall we go now?" I asked, as the conversation started to get boring.

"Okay, Zayn, Louis you coming back to camp?" He asked.

"Nahh mate, we gotta hotel in Torqauy." Louis told Harry.

"Sure?" I asked.

"We'll come." Zayn said.

"Cool!" I said, I didn't want to be alone with Harry, it would be awkward.

"Hello? Can I have 2 taxi's too Nandos please!" Harry said, talking to the taxi ranker.

"Thanks, bye!" He said and hung up.

10 minutes after talking about pure rubbish, the taxi man pulled up. Harry & me got in one taxi, Zayn and Louis in the other.

Ughh, this is going to be awkward.

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