"Don't pretend you weren't into it," Sebastian loosely laughed while keeping his eyes on the road.

"And besides nobody told you to let me in when I was done eating. I just came for a live show, you're the one who turned it into something else," he teased.

I abruptly shut my mouth, hating that he had a point. "Did not," I spat childishly.

"Did too," he laughed.

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"Okay, fine, I might have had some small part too," Sebastian relented with a smile.

I rolled my eyes at him and said nothing. Boyfriend or not – Sebastian Diaz would and always would remain an idiot.

Quicker than I thought, Sebastian was soon pulling into the street of my house, and in through my driveway. Big balloons decorated the exterior of the house, and a banner reading 'Congratulations Max and Lara' stretched across the roof edge.

I could already hear pop music from the backyard and the light sound of laughter and children playing. "Here we are," Sebastian announced as he came to a neat stop right at the edge of our drive.

As I reached for the car door, I heard a click, and furrowing my brows I realized Sebastian had locked my side of the door.

I turned to him and looked him up and down with a confused smile. "Erm...do you mind? Why-"

Sebastian suddenly leaned over the centre console and grabbed a hold of my face before kissing me. It made my mind dizzy until he pulled away.

Still holding my face, he leaned back and scanned over my face with a smile. "Sorry, I had to, you've kind of given me a thing now for cars," he chuckled.

I paused in confusion before realizing he was talking about our first time together in my brother's car on the beach, and that instantly my face was burning at the memory.

"Oh, shut up," I mumbled with a loose smile, as I pulled away further my face burning even hotter.

Sebastian just chuckled, finding far too much amusement from teasing me.

Finally, popping open the car door, I climbed out alongside Sebastian and the two of us soon made our way round to the backyard with our shared present tucked under my arm.

We followed the sound of the music, and soon our freshly cut green yard came into view. There were a bunch of circular tables set up near the house with fancy white tablecloths with big pink flowers, and confetti lining the tables.

I spotted a few of my relatives on some nearby tables and they smiled and waved at me as I passed.

Finally, I spotted the table at the front where I could see Sebastian's parents and mine chatting to one another while little Izzy coloured in some sort of paper on the table.

Grabbing a hold of Sebastian's hand, I towed him over to their table.

Izzy's head snapped up as we approached closer, and her eyes widened in cute excitement. "Sebby, Fi-fi," she yelled out.

I smiled as she jumped out of her seat grabbed hold of Sebastian's legs and hugged them. "I missed you so so much," she mumbled.

Sebastian laughed and gently rubbed the back of her head. "I missed you too, Izzy," he said as he smiled down at her fondly. Sebastian went home monthly and video-called back home a fair few times a week so it hadn't exactly been years since she'd last seen him but the reaction was cute nonetheless.

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