Late Night Talking

Start from the beginning

"We should have serious talks more often," Remus muttered.

"Every talk --"

"Every talk you have is a Sirius talk, I know," Remus panted. He kissed Sirius's chest.

Sirius grinned, his breath still short too, "Am I that predictable, Moony?"

"Yes," Remus murmured, "But don't stop."

"I said that just a few minutes ago, yet here we are," Sirius growled. 

Remus laughed, "Do you ever shut up?"

Sirius chuckled. 

Remus turned his head so instead of looking at their tangled feet he was looking up at the underside of Sirius's chin and he whispered, "You make my heart take flight, Sirius."

"A flying werewolf," murmured Sirius, "Sounds dangerous."

Remus kissed Sirius's chest, right along the sternum, then sighed and snuggled closer again, closing his eyes once more. He listened for a few more minutes, then he opened his eyes. "Sirius, guess what?"

"What, darling?"

"I went to see the muggle school I've enrolled in for the art classes, and it's wonderful there. They have the most amazing art hanging in the corridors and it's all student made," Remus was trying to recuperate the excitement with which he'd carried home his pamphlets and enrollment forms that day, trying to recapture some of the rapture. "It was simply fantastic... I met a friend while I was there, her name is Lula. She's got this brilliant boyfriend called Stewie and they're taking the same art class as I am... He doesn't need the beginning course, though, he's already incredible as an artist. I can't wait for you to meet them, you'll bloody love them both."

"I already do just because they've got the good sense to be friends with my Moony." Sirius grinned.

"I looked into transferring to the muggle school permanently, and - I want to do it."


"Yes. I - I already filled out the paper work."

Sirius kissed Remus's head head. "I'm proud of you, Moony."

"You don't think me leaving the uni is a mistake? Or a weakness?"

"Not at all. I think it's brave."

Remus had been yearning for this answer, and for Sirius's pride with him, and he felt his breath catch in his throat and he lay his head back down against Sirius's chest and closed his eyes once more.



"I did love magic on James."

Remus rolled off Sirius's chest and adjusted his positioning so they were side by side, his head on his pillow, looking over at Sirius. Their legs stayed tangled a bit, though. "I'm guessing it didn't go so well?" Remus asked.

"He's holding so fucking much in, Rey."

Remus was quiet.

"When I do love magic," Sirius said slowly, "I sort of... I see and feel stuff that - that happened... even stuff I didn't know about or - or do myself."

Remus swallowed, anxiety budding in him as he knew - just knew - what Sirius was about to say.

"He used a Time Turner," Sirius murmured. He paused, letting those words sink in, and with the lack of response from Remus, Sirius knew that Remus knew already. "When?"

"When what?"

"When did he use the time turner?"

"...Fifth year," Remus murmured.

The Marauders - Order of the Phoenix Part ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now