Chapter 29:- New Day With New Alpha

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"Is something wrong?" Zara asks.

"Yes but it doesn't concern you. I just need to talk to my sister outside for a moment." I say grabbing Rebecca by the arm and dragging her outside.

"Rebecca, we have a bit of a problem. Izzy is now Alpha which I hope you know. Izzy is in La Push, she's patrolling this weekend. Well should be. Her imprint is also in La Push with her child. Her imprint is a vamp. He is to be on La Push whenever Izzy is. We are not aloud to hurt him same for him. Izzy has put that law in place but some of the wolves are trying to fight it. I'm in charge at the moment because a vampire got into La Push while Izzy and her imprint was on patrol. The other vampire crushed Izzy's chest. She can't control the pack at the moment as she needs to rest. I can't have your friend here. If she smells the vampire or even phrases she's going to get hurt." I say to Rebecca.

"God that is bad. I'll keep her from Izzy's. Where does Izzy live?" Rebecca asks.

"Right next to First Beach. How long are you staying for?" I ask.

"The week, I wanted to see Izzy." Rebecca says.

"I'll go and see her first and talk to her. See if we can do something about Jasper." I say to her.

I walk to Izzy's house. When I get to Izzy's I walk into the house. "Jake, Izzy is upstairs." Jasper says.

"How do you know it's me?" I ask him.

"You all smell different." Jasper says walking to the stairs.

I walk up the stairs and go into Izzy's room. She's lay on the bed, shaking.

"Are you cold?" I ask her.

"Of course no." Izzy says between clenched teeth.

"I need to talk to you about something. Rebecca is here for the week. She wants to see you. Dad has told her that we are related and she wants to put everything behind us. The thing is she's brought a rogue wolf here. I'm a little concerned about her with Jasper." I say to Izzy.

"Jasper will be ok. As long as she doesn't try to attack. If she's in La Push she has to stick to the law like the rest of us. I want to see Rebecca and I want to meet this rogue wolf." Izzy says.

"Ok." I say.

It's up to Izzy as she is the Alpha. I would have preferred if she didn't want to meet Zara but she does. Maybe she is going to tell her about us being wolves. Izzy can do that if she wants as she is the Alpha.

I walk back to my dad's and walk in. I sit on the sofa. "Well?" Dad asks.

"Izzy wants to see Rebecca and meet Zara. Izzy said it applies to her too. I don't know what to do dad. I don't know whether to tell her about Jasper or not." I say to him.

"Only Izzy can do that. She the Alpha. Its up to Izzy. Your Zara's imprint and she is yours so hopefully you can keep her calm." Dad says.

I go to my room and talk a shower, I put some clean clothes on and go back to the living room. Rebecca and Zara is back from wherever they was.

"Rebecca. Izzy wants to see you and she wants to meet Zara. The rules apply to her. Izzy will tell her I think." I say.

"Can we see her now?" Rebecca asks.

"Sure but she needs to rest. She's broken all her ribs and most of her bones on her right side are broken." I say.

"How is that possible?" Zara asks me.

"I'll tell you later." I say to her.

Me, Rebecca and Zara walk to Izzy's. I knock on the front door. I hear somebody walking down the stairs, Jasper opens the door and lets us in. I hear Zara growl at him and I grab her hand and squeeze it. I drag her up the stairs. Jasper follows us into Izzy's room.

The wolf protector. (A Bella and Jasper love story.)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt