2 birds, 1 stone

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(the image at the top is Alex, I've updated my character's list but if some of you haven't seen it yet, here you go!)

Damien's POV:

I heard a sharp knock on my office door.

"Come in!", I shout, still looking at my laptop to find out who is terrorising my family.

I look up to see Alex the bodyguard.

"Ahh, Alex, my boy. I bet you and Chiara are getting along great. I've put some thought into this and I think you should be my daughter's full-time bodyguard.

Whenever she goes out, you will accompany her. That is not a suggestion, it's an order", I told Alex.

"That sounds great, thank you, Mr Moretti", he responded.

"How many times have I told you, no formalities. You're one of my favourites, annoying at times, but amazing at your job. Just call me Damien", I smile.

"I actually came here to tell you about an incident that happened at the shopping centre..."
Chiara's POV:

"Where's dad? It's been 10 minutes and he's never late", I say to Cello.

"Maybe something came up", he shrugged.

I heard him come downstairs after a few more minutes and sat down at the table.

We sat in silence and it was clear dad was visibly fuming. The maids brought in a pot of macaroni cheese, a basket of bread and salad.

"Dad, what's wrong?", Dante asked.

"They're after Chiara now", dad responded.

All the cutlery clanked onto the plate and my whole family's attention was on me.

"You never told me", Vincenzo was in disbelief.

"It happened after I bought the dress", I explain.

"Alex has told me what happened and I believe it's best that he should be your personal bodyguard"


"Are you sure it has to be him?"

"Yeah, he said how well you guys got along and also, he goes to your school"

"What year?"

"12, he's in sixth form", Luca answered.

"Can I be excused, I need to have a couple words with Alex", Dante muttered and left the table.

(He looked like he would've left regardless of the answer given.)
Dante's POV:

We have many female bodyguards, so why the hell did dad choose a guy to be my sister's bodyguard.

If he dares to even touch her, I will chop each and every one of his fingers off with no hesitation whatsoever.

"Oi, dumbass, you even so think about looking at Chiara in a certain way, I will pluck your eyeballs out and feed them to dogs"

"A nice, hello Alex, would've sufficed"

"You're only purpose is to protect my sister. Nothing else!", I growl.

"And besides, where you gonna even find dogs, I bet the only places you ever go is nightclubs and shove money up a girl's-"

"That's a lovely idea, Alex. We'll get a dog, or maybe 10 as a reminder to keep your eyes glued to the ground and not at my sister", I walk off.

Shattered Hearts; Broken Pieces (Paused, for now)Where stories live. Discover now