Crushed Cupcake

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Enzo's POV:


I creeped up behind the Russian Mafia Don hoping I could add lemon drops in his drink.

He must've saw my arm get close to his cup in his peripheral vision since he turned around in a swift motion.

"You're so lucky we're at this ball and your family is hosting it. Otherwise I'd have your head for attempting to sabotage my drink", Mr Ivanov threatened, clutching my arm hardly.

"Sorry", I muttered and walked away.

I'll get him next time!

I turn around to see if Luca might've caught me and he gave me a wide grin. He mouthed the words "You're out".

I rolled my eyes and went to the toilet.

"Just the person I was looking for", a man with a mask said and aimed his gun at me.

I raised my hands up in the air, avoiding to get shot.

"Woah, calm down buddy. Who sent you?"

"Your mum"

"Isn't that joke a bit old now", I chuckled.

"Come with me", he grabbed my arm and lead me out to where everyone was.
Chiara's POV:

"Enzo", I screamed in a frenzied panic. I ran up to him as Vincenzo and the rest followed behind me.

"We need to take him to a hospital", I tell my family, fear dripping from my voice.

"No, they'll ask too many questions. We need to go home. Call Dr Soe", My dad demanded.

Dad carried Enzo to the car and Dante called Dr Soe telling him what happened whilst Enzo cried out in pain.

Vincenzo drove us all home and we reached within a matter of minutes.

Marcello grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze to put me at ease.

"He's gonna be just fine, okay?"

I nodded my head.

The doorbell rang just as dad put Enzo in a room that I've never seen before. It was a hospital room.

At one side there were beds and another side, there was an operating table with different medical instruments and equipment.

Dr Soe came rushing into the room and closed the door to discuss what's going to happen to Enzo with Dad. The rest of us stood outside the door.

"Come on, we need to go to the ball", Dante told everyone.

"Enzo's been shot! Or does that not occur to you?", I fire back.

"What will people say if we, the hosts, leaves the ball first?"

"You guys go, I just want to stay here, at home", I answered.

"Fine, Luca, you stay aswell"

"Whatever", he grumbled.

I told everyone to stay safe and they left to entertain the guests.

"When are we going to find out who did this to Enzo?"

"Tommorow, everyone's clearly had a bad day and we all need a good night's rest", my brother answered.

"Do you think they might come back again?"

"I'm not sure Chiara"

"First, someone disrupted our dinner by shooting the whole place, luckily no one got hurt. Now someone has broken into the ball and shot Enzo in the leg. What if both those situations are they're connected?"

Shattered Hearts; Broken Pieces (Paused, for now)Where stories live. Discover now