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Chiara's POV:

"Pick a car!", Vincenzo demanded.

Right now we're in the garage and I'm staring in awe at all the cars that are waiting to be used.

"Can we drive this one, please?"

"Can we drive this one, please?"

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"Yeah, great choice!"

We were on our way to the shopping centre, I stared out of the window, daydreaming about how fun its going to be. Nothing better ruin my day!

"I've been thinking and I feel like it's time for you to go to school Chiara.", Vincenzo said breaking me out of my reverie.

"I don't want to go back to school.", I whine.

"Sis, I'm not asking. I'm telling you. We've sorted it all out and you're gonna start from next week. We bought the school uniform too."

I nodded letting him know I'll go to school.

"We're here!", My brother mumbled, getting out of the car.

We got out and went to the first shop we saw. I grabbed a couple hoodies that I liked and held onto them. I looked around for some jeans and saw 2 whole racks of them.

I wanted to buy plain blue jeans and white ones.

"That's it, I'm done. Let's go home. I hope it's not too much.", I smile.

"Don't be silly, you barely bought anything."

My mouth made an O shape and I  stared at him like he grew two heads.

"You what?", I ask in shock.

"Come on, what else do you want?", Vincenzo asked, gently shoving me deeper into the store.

Let's just say we came back out with 2 big bags full of clothes. We did that with all the shops. We must have wasted atleast £500.

I also have a phone now, I can finally get everyone's number. Can't wait for dinner tonight.

I can feel guilt coursing through my body since we spend so much money. Maybe I should've said no more but I just couldn't help but want all the clothes. They were all so pretty.

I try to shake the feeling off but I can't help but feel ashamed.

"I'm sorry for wasting all the money.", I say guiltily.

"Nonsense, let's go get something to eat and then we'll go back home.", Vincenzo replied.

"Sure, let's go!", I answer back.

We ended up at McDonald's since we just wanted a snack. I decided on some small fries since I knew eating that would fill me up quickly. Whereas vincenzo bought large fries and coffee.

He went to go order leaving me alone at our table. I patiently wait for Vincenzo to come back thinking about how my luck has finally changed.

I saw a group of guys around my age walking in, they were laughing at some joke one of the boys made. Soon enough they caught me staring at them and they all walked up to me.

There were 4 of them, one of the guys had the classic blonde hair, blue eyes. Another had dark ginger hair with hazel eyes that I could just drown in. The third dude had piercing green eyes and jet black hair. The last one had silver eyes and light brown hair.

"Hey there kiddo.", the blonde hair, blue eyed guy taunted.

"Shouldn't you be at school?", The last guy asked with a smirk.

"I could say the same thing back!", I mutter.

"What did you just say?", The blonde guy asked, his voice laced with venom.

Tears of regret were threatening to spill from my eyes, I couldn't let them see me like this so I tried hard not to make eye contact.

The boy with green eyes grabbed me by the hair pulling it back, making my yelp as my face lifted up to look at them. The only person who didn't do anything was the guy with hazel eyes that had a little glint to it. I stared at him with pleading eyes.

"Why are you looking at Christian? He isn't going to help you!", the guy pulling my hair snickered.

"How dare you talk to us like that, do you even know who we are?", The silver eyed boy questioned.

"Do you know who I am?", The familiar voice of Vincenzo shouted.

The guy holding my hair immediately let me go as if touching my hair any longer will burn him.

They all stared at him in fear as they stuttered out apologies.

"Not to me, to her, apologise to her!", Vincenzo roared.

By that time, everyone was staring at the scene that was being unfolded.

They all said sorry but the look in most of their eyes made me feel like this isn't going to be over.

"I'm leaving this as a warning, don't even think about interacting with her ever again. Now get out of my sight before I rip you all to shreds!", My brother spat with hatred.

Once they left, my brother sat down with the food looking at me with empathy.

"You wanna talk about it on the way home?", He asked, his voice filled with concern.

I nodded vigorously.

We sat in the car when Vincenzo apologised for those boys ruining my day. He asked what happened and I explained the whole situation from beginning to end.

And then we went into a comfortable silence with the radio in the background.

"Your name is too long, I don't like it.", once I realise I said my thoughts out loud I throw my hands over my mouth so I can stop more words from spewing out.

"You can give me a nickname if you like.", my brother chuckled at my reaction.

"I was thinking maybe I could call you Vinnie? Only if you don't mind. I think it's really cute. It's a hundred times better than Vincenzo.", I rant on.

"That sounds perfect or as they say in Italian Perfetto.", Vinnie said approvingly.

"Why would it matter in Italian?"

"You do know we're Italian, right?"


"Oh my god, you didn't know we're Italian?", He asked in-between fits of laughter.

My face turned a shade of red making him laugh even more.

"Stop laughing, you're going to get us killed. Eyes on the road Vincenzo Moretti!"

"Whatever", he answered back rolling his eyes recomposing himself.

I can't believe we're Italian. I'm Italian. That's so cool. I can't believe Emma robbed me of learning about my own culture and language.

Time to buy myself an 'italian book for dummies'.
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I feel like it's a meh.

Tell me what you think about it. Have a good day!!!! ❤️

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