What Are You, 7?

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Vincenzo's POV:

It's Monday and I'm so excited to have my baby sorella back. I definitely don't show that to everyone since showing emotions whilst being in the mafia is a weakness.
Rivals can take advantage of that and destroy your empire.

Dad told me to meet him in his office at 1pm and it's currently 12:50. I decided to get a quick drink to kill some time.  He hates when people are either late or early. 'You always have to be there on the dot' he says.

I see Enzo sitting on the kitchen table still working on his poster.

"Are you still working on your poster?" I laugh.

"Yes I am, and it's not funny. I'm just giving some finishing touches to the poster." He whines.

"You do realise that thing is going in the bin by the end of this week?"

"Don't be so rude", my brother huffs.

"Whatever weirdo, Chiara's gonna look at that and rip it apart", I warned him. That thing looks hideous with glitter and sequins poured all over it.

Enzo pulls a stupid face at me, sticking his tongue out.

"What are you, 7?" I say as I finish up my orange juice.

"No I'm actually sevente-"

"Bye weirdo" I mutter as I ran up the stairs almost time for my 'meeting' with dad.
"Sit down", my dad said with a glass of whisky in his glass.

"I've brought you in here to tell you that Emma's dead. Our men have successfully killed her and I just received a call asking if I was willing to take our baby in. You're picking her up at 2. As much as I would love to pick her up myself, I've got an important meeting that I need to attend to." He continued

Reality is setting in now. I'm meeting my Chiara in an hour!

"When's the meeting ending?"

"Don't be nosy, boy", he glared.

"I need to tell Chiara when your coming home though", I explain.

"Sorry. I'm coming home at 5", Dad answered.

"Ok dad, good luck with the meeting", I say before leaving to tell my brothers the news.
I've told everyone and they're all super thrilled to meet her.

I go onto Google and type 'How to be a good older brother'.

Even though I'm the oldest, I'm not the brother who's most scary. That title goes to Dante. I don't think I've ever seen him smile or laugh after Emma took our little sorella.

Dad told us all not to tell him and wait to suprise him. Personally, that's a crap idea.

I don't know what on earth possessed my dad to come up with that idea but orders are orders. He'll throw me into the basement and leave me there if I disobeyed him.

Time to take notes on being a good and welcoming brother.
Chiara's POV:

"We just finished your DNA test and it looks like you've got a dad. We've contacted him and he's extremely happy to take you in. Your brother is going to pick you up since your dad will be in a meeting at 2pm." A police officer informs me.

"Are you sure? My mother told me my dad died when I was 2 and I'm an only child.", I question.

"Yes, I'm sure.", He said whilst rolling his eyes. I don't think he wanted to talk to me so I didn't pester him with more questions.

"Is there anything you need from home you want to bring to your dad's?" Miss Hepburn asked.

Like you even care.

"No!", I immediately respond back.

"Okay well, take care sweetie. I'm gonna have to go back to school."


I'm left alone now. Only my mind to accompany me.

My 'dead dad' is alive. And I've got a brother. Wow...

I've survived without him for the last 15 years. I don't need him in my life. I hate him. Whoever he is.

He could've kept contact with me but he chose not to. I'm so angry at him. I don't even know my dad's name, my mum won't tell me. I've asked her countless times but she never told me.

Every father's day, I was yearning for a dad to give my hand-made cards to and shower kisses and hugs to. All the kids in my class used to talk so fondly of their dads'. And I felt left out in those conversations.

They talked about how they constantly spent time with their dad. How they always had fun and could they talk to them about anything and not feel judged.

I used to tell myself it wasn't his fault and that he was dead. But oh no, he isn't. He's very much alive.

I'm going to make him feel all the pain I felt! That man deserves it.
If you guys liked this chapter, don't forget to vote and comment.
Chiara and Vincenzo are definitely meeting next chapter, sorry for stalling for so long 😭😭

Have a good day guys! ❤️

Random question of the day, what's your favourite colour?

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