Blood is Thicker than Water

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Chiara's POV:

"It was his fault", I point my finger at Luca.

"Hey! What did I do?"

"Push me to the ground and squash my cupcake", I answer whilst gritting my teeth.

"Actually, I tripped you up", he responded proudly.

"Stop with the squabbling, how did you ruin this dress?", Dante demanded to know.

"Like I said, Luca tripped me over"

"Where did that cupcake even come from?", Enzo snickered.

"Oh, we made them", Luca interjected.

"Don't worry, we saved one for all of you", I quickly said, hoping I'd get let off.

"A cupcake for me and everybody else isn't gonna save this dress, look at it. Sewn-on sequins have somehow made their way onto the cupcake"

"Sorryyyy", I sheepishly apologised.

"Just don't ruin new stuff that we bought for you. You only wore it once for God's sake"

"Sorry Dante"

"Don't forget you're telling Dad all about this"

He loves me a bit too much, he's definitely going to let me off the hook. I think to myself.

"That's fine", I smiled confidently.

"And now you, what have I told you about tripping people up and physically making people fall over by pushing, shoving, etcetera for no fair reason?"

"That wasn't a rhetorical question", my second oldest brother growled.

"Whatever, I won't do it again", Luca huffed.

"Let's go to bed, it's getting late", Vincenzo grumbled.

And with that, we all went to bed. I got into my room and changed into some comfy PJs. I laid my ruined red dress on the ground and jumped into bed, falling into a deep slumber.
Morning rolled around fast. Once I was finished with my morning routine, I grabbed my dress and went downstairs to show Dad the mini catastrophe.

"Heyy daaaad"

"Chiara what happened to your dress"

"Long story but it was all Luca's fault", I answered, looking innocent.

"You little cockroach", Luca stared at me.

"I'm not wrong", I shrugged my shoulders.

"Tell me what happened love"

"We were making cupcakes and there was one more remaining and he tripped me up just so he could have it but it got a little squished"

"Luca, you're grounded for a week"

"Wait, WHAT! I've got this party I need to attend to tonight!"

"Should've thought about that before tripping your sister up, what if she got hurt?"

"Please, Dad! I need to go to this party!"

"Why, so you could get wasted with all your mates? I'm sure you could go 1 week without a party"

I looked at Dante to see his reaction to this and he looked completely dumbfounded.

I bet he thought I'd get an earful for my dress getting ruined.

"Now that we got that out of the way, I'd like to let you know that Enzo is doing much better after that surgery. Dr. Soe successfully got the bullet out. He's still asleep at the moment but when he wakes up in an hour or two you can go up and meet him anytime", Dad announced.

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