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Chiara's POV:

I feel like an animal, caged up and locked in. My life is meaningless, I'm trapped in an environment that is filled with an abyss of negative comments and thoughts.

I stare outside of my circle-shaped window, admiring the snow that's littered the ground. I wonder what it's like out there?

I've always found a comfort in the snow, so white and pure. Falls to the ground so elegantly like little ballerinas as they touch the floor.

"Come downstairs and fold the laundry, witch," my mother screamed, dragging me back to reality.

"Coming," I replied in a little voice

"Don't you talk back to me. You're so ungrateful! I give you a roof over your head, and this is how you treat me?"

"No, sorry mama", I got up slowly, trying not to hurt my bruised ribs and cuts on my tummy from last night's attack.

I started working on our laundry, folding them neatly. Making sure that they're all perfectly placed in the order of lightest to darkest or my OCD won't be happy.

"I'm going out, you know the drill," she laughed like a maniac before she slammed the door, almost shattering my ears.


"Time to get back to work," I muttered.

She wasn't always this bad. She used to be good. A good mother she was. We used to go out on mother-daughter dates when I was little. When she had a job, that is. But it all ended as quickly as she got hired.

After my dad died when I was 2 years old. She had to get a job, and she constantly complained about how much she despised it.

She gave gambling a go, started off with £5 notes, and the more time went by, the more money she used. She quit her jobs to 'pursue' gambling as a 'full-time job'.

Soon after, her gambling addiction got the best of her. She loved and craved wins more than her own daughter. 

She treated me worse and worse as time went on. She knew it was wrong, so she never let me out. Go to school and come back home. That's it. No freedom, no happiness.

I can't even sneak out since there's cameras outside the house, lucky me!

I put some music on to distract myself from doing this tedious chore. I put on Dollhouse by Melanie Martinez. Perfectly describing my life.

"D-O-L-L-H-O-U-S-E, I see things that nobody else sees," I sing under my breath.

My mind wonders what I'm going to eat for the next few days. My mother isn't coming back till Tuesday, and it's Sunday today.


It's Sunday, and today's almost over anyway. Tomorrow's Monday, I'll see if I can find some leftovers from my classmates' food. Same with Tuesday. Job done!

"Ugh, I've got school tomorrow," I groan.
I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter of Shattered Hearts; Broken pieces.

It definitely gets better and longer the more you read on, promise!!

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