Maybe. Just maybe...

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Vincenzo POV:

We all finished having our fun with those idiots who hurt my sister 10 minutes ago. What makes them think they could hurt Chiara like that?

The first time they troubled Chiara, I gave them a threat to not even think about her ever again. And trust me, when I make a threat, they're never empty.

I enjoyed every moment of ripping their flesh apart. It felt rewarding to know that they're suffering just like my sister.

Once dad parked the car I got out the car and opened the door to go tell Chiara the justice that has been served. We can celebrate by buying cake and watching Netflix.

My mind was mentally planning all the fun things we could do whilst I called out for Chiara.

"Chiaraaaaa", I grin feeling excited.

I got greeted by a punch on my stomach taking me by suprise. It didn't hurt, but I still said 'ow'.

"Chiara what are you doing?!", I exclaim grabbing her arms to stop her from hitting me.

"Did you hurt them all?", She asked in a timid voice. Concern dripping from every word.

I gave her a proud nod and I saw tears glistening. Isn't that what she wanted me to do?

"You hurt Christian?", She questioned.

"Yeah, he didn't hurt you but watched. That's just as worse, he didn't do anything.", I explained to her.

"I hate you", she gritted her teeth and slammed the door to her room.

"What's going on?", Luca questioned.

"I- I don't know", I muttered.

"Chiaraaa?!", Luca shouted running up to her room.
Chiara's POV:

I can feel the guilt of not being able to stop them from hurting Christian consume me.

"Chiara, what's going on?", Enzo stormed into my room.

"What happened to knocking?", I mutter.

"What's going on?", Luca repeated.

I shrugged my shoulders, I'm not in the mood to start an argument. I just want to feel the guilt that I deserve.

"Come on, let's go downstairs. Everyone wants to know what's going on", my brother ordered, grabbing my arm taking me to the door.

"Don't touch me and tell everyone to stop being so freaking nosy", I pull my arm from him feeling frustrated.

He left the room with a smirk planted on his face. Finally, peace and quiet.

I grab my phone to watch some YouTube and try and distract myself from the remorse I feel.

The door violently opened, a loud bang accompanying it. I saw my whole family glaring at me.

"What?", I ask to no one specifically.

"What do you want?", I question once no one answered my first question.

"Why are you so upset about Christian getting hurt?", My dad spoke.

"Why? Am I not allowed to care about others?", I divert the topic to avoid the truth.

"You can but you didn't ask about the others. You only care about him.", My dad replied harshly.

I never saw that side of him. He's always been so gentle and calm whilst talking with me. It made my heart sting but I quickly composed myself.

"He's my friend", I shout. I might as well tell them the truth.

The quietness in the room was a silent indicator for me to elaborate.

"When I was in detention today, he was in there too. He tapped on my shoulder and gave me a note. It said he was sorry for not standing up for me. And once his detention was over he gave me a little wave before leaving the room.", I grabbed the note out of my pocket to show them.

Enzo pulled the piece of paper out of my fingers and read the note. Once he was done, in one swift motion he ripped the paper into tiny pieces. Shattering my heart.

"What the actual-"

"Rule number one darling", Luca sneered.

"Shut up Luca", I replied.

"You are never allowed to talk to Christian ever again. Do you here me?", My dad ordered before leaving.

I nodded in return but of course I'm going to talk to him. He's my second friend I've made in school. It would be stupid of me to stop.

"You really think he's your friend? He's going to bring nothing but chaos and pain in your life Chiara!", Marcello spat.

"Just get out of my room! I hate you!", I screamed. And with that they all left. Leaving me trapped in my own world again.
Christian Dawson's POV:

My body is littered with bruises and cuts. I've finished plastering up the last cut that made its home on my jaw. I'm going to have to wear makeup to school to cover up the bruises and make them not visible or there'll be rumours spread around in school.

All this happened because of Chiara's brothers. I honestly deserve it but did Chiara ever tell them I apologized? Maybe it wasn't the best apology ever but I couldn't handle the guilt that was swirling in my body.

She's in my PSHE class and most of my other classes aswell, every time I look at her I feel regret coursing through my veins mixed with something else I can't quite explain.

After the way Miss Keynes treated Chiara and sent her out of the class, I pointed out how unfair she was acting towards Chiara and that's how I landed in detention.

Right after detention I was attacked by the Moretti brothers. They threatened me to never speak to Chiara ever again and if I did my new home would be in their basement. They talked about how they knew 'what my intentions were with her'.

I'm now sitting in the kitchen listening to my dad scold me for getting a detention and about getting attacked.

"I can't believe you got another detention! You could be in the gym training for the mafia. But you were sitting in a room in silence. What did you get out of that? Huh?!", My father yelled, banging his hands on the kitchen table.

The detention was so worth it.

"I'm sorry, the detention wasn't worth it", I stare at the marbled floor.

"And just stop talking to this Chiara girl. She's nothing but trouble. Look what she got you in. Just stay away from her", my father rubbed his temples.

"I'm gonna go to the gym and train", I excused myself.

My father gave me a stiff nod and let me go.

I'm not going to stop talking to Chiara. I don't care what everyone else says. I gave her that note because I wanted her to know I was sorry. I'm interested in wanting to know her.

I don't know why I care so much all of a sudden about some girl. Especially my rival's sister.

Maybe if I got to know her more my thoughts would stop being consumed by her. Maybe she'll stop running through my mind 24/7.

Maybe. Just maybe... My dreams might come true...
Hey guys, I hope you liked this chapter. I enjoyed giving a bit of insight on Christian and what ran through his mind.

I'm gonna go watch Netflix now and pls tell me I'm not the only one dead excited for Never Have I ever Season 4 coming up.

Shattered Hearts; Broken Pieces (Paused, for now)Where stories live. Discover now