Woodland Bridge

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Chiara's POV:

It's the next day and I'm in the car with Cello, Enzo and Luca. Marcello's driving whilst Enzo is sitting in the front and Luca is sitting next to me.

I feel my stomach churn and I feel sick. Luca could see I wasn't feeling comfortable so he grabbed my hand, moving his finger in circles.

"You're gonna be just fine Chiara", Luca reassured.

"What if people don't like me and they decide they wanna bully me? That's what happened in my last school", I confess.

"What!", Everyone shouted out.

"Yeah, in my last school I didn't have any friends, i chose not to have any of them since they would wanna come over to mine and I don't want them knowing how abusive my mother was.", I pause waiting for their reactions.

They all were silent trying to understand what I had just unleashed on them.

"Many people would try to befriend me but they all soon gave up once they realised I'm not going to talk to them. They started bullying me after that. I was an outcast to them so they used that to their advantage."

"That's not going to happen here, I promise you! If anyone messes with you, you tell one of us and we'll sort them out.", Marcello threatend, making me nod back.

We finally reached the school and we all left the car leaving Cello to park. Once we got out all eyes were on us. A mixture of jealousy, curiosity and fear were plastered over everyone's eyes.

"What's everyone looking at? Is my uniform done wrong or something?", I whisper to Enzo.

"No, they're probably looking at us since you're new here."

"YOU KNOW IT'S RUDE TO STARE", Enzo shouted out to all the little bundles of groups surrounding the school. They all immediately turned their backs and went back to their conversations.

"Stop making a scene Enzo", Marcello muttered, catching up to us. He shrugged his shoulders in response.


We went to reception to get myself a timetable before lessons started. Once the receptionist handed me my timetable I looked at it to see what lessons I had for the day.

"PSHE, Maths, PE, English and Art", I mumble to no one specific.

"That's not that bad and by the way Luca's gonna take you to each of your lessons so you won't get lost. Just send him a picture of your timetable so he knows what you got", Cello ordered.

"Ok boss", I respond, making a little salute before sending him that picture.

Right after that, the first bell rang indicating us to go to our first class.

"Right, let's go.", Luca smiled.

I look at the corridor and there were so many people rushing to get to their class. It feels like people traffic.

We finally made it to my class and Luca gave me a hug before leaving to get to his class.

"Ahh, you must be the new student", A lady pointed out grabbing everyone's attention.

"Yeah", I said shyly.

"You wanna introduce yourself to the class?", I shake my head, wanting to get out of being the center of attention.

"Ok then, take a seat next to Rylee, Rylee put your hand up", The lady grinned.

I walked over, looking at Rylee. Her eyes were blue with dark brown hair cascading down her back.

"Hey, it's great to meet you", Rylee whispered.

"You too", I reply.

"Right class, my name is Miss Keynes incase any of you forgot, today we'll be learning RSE", Miss Keynes introduced whilst some of the people were giggling.

"Miss, will we have a practical?", One of the boys shouted out making the whole class burst into fits of laughter.

The next couple periods went by in a blur. I realised how Rylee was in most of my classes so she was assigned by the teachers to 'take care of me'.

I'm in the cafeteria munching on Pringles for lunch right now. I'm sitting next to Rylee and it feels so good to have a friend.

"How you finding Woodland Bridge so far?", Rylee asked.

"Not as bad as I thought. I thought I wouldn't make any friends here and people would start to bully me about it."

"Before you get yourself into any trouble, I just want to tell you about some unspoken rules in this school.", She paused, trying to make sense on how to word out her thoughts.

"There's people like me, the normal students. And then there's people who act like they rule the school. They would do things like 'push infront of you if you were in a line' or be really rude towards you but if you call them out you're dead. They'll make your life a living hell.", She explained in a serious tone.

"I can't even speak out about the unfairness then", I respond back agitatedly.

"No, you can't. It's just how this school runs. There's two of these groups in our school. They're both enemies aswell which I find a bit hilarious. It's like they're fighting for the throne of being head. If you look at the far corner on your right there's one table with four boys-"

That's when I turn my body around to look at who I'm going to be avoiding for the next couple years.

They're on the opposite side of the room so I had to squint my eyes to see who they were. Their faces looked familiar but I couldn't understand where I saw them from.

But then I saw those hazel eyes I couldn't forget. Those hazel eyes that made my stomach do somersaults. Those hazel eyes that made my heart skip a beat.

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