Here Goes Nothing

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Chiara's POV:

It's lunch now, and I'm currently waiting for Rylee to arrive. I watch as everyone immerses themselves in conversations with their friends. Smiles spread upon their faces, chatter filling the room.

"Hey!"Rylee smiled.

"How are you doing?"I ask her.

"I'm fine, but I overheard Xander and his group talking about you on the way here.", She replied in a hushed voice.

Curiosity struck me, and I needed to know what on earth they were saying about me now.

"What did they say?"

"Um... Uhh-", she mumbled.

"Rylee, just tell me!"

"I overheard them planning on kidnapping you and torturing you till you die. I wouldn't take it seriously, though. I'm sure it's just words and nothing serious, "my friend quickly reassured.

I'm sure that whatever they're saying is just words used out of frustration. Christian isn't going to let it happen, so there's nothing to worry about.

"I'm not going to make a big deal out of it. You're probably right. "

"I'm always right," she grinned.

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that," I respond.
I walk into my English lesson and sat down on my seat. No one sat next to me in English, which I didn't mind.

I laid my head on the desk, deciding on catching up on some sleep. My teacher doesn't care what people did in his lesson. He was happy to help the students who wanted to learn.

"Today, we are going to be learning and discussing the themes present in the play 'An Inspector Calls'."Mr Henry explained.

10 minutes into the lesson, and there was a sharp knock on the door.

"Come in!"Mr Henry called out.

"Chiara's going to have to leave school with me right now," Marcello's voice rang in my ear.

I lift my head up to see him glaring at me.

"Off you go then, Miss Moretti," my teacher responded.

I grab my bag and leave my seat to where Marcello is standing.

"What do you want?"I mutter under my breath.

"We'll talk when we get home. Honestly, Chiara, what possessed you to key my car? Just why?!"

"Why not?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Why not? Why not? " He repeated.

"Yes, why not?"

"I'm going to kill you when we get home!"My brother threatened.

"Oooh, I'm so scared," I laughed.

We soon arrived home thanks to my brother's illegal speeding. The car ride was silent. Not even the radio was on. Every time I turned it on, he decided to slap my hand away. Rude.

Marcello unlocked the front door and slammed it open, grabbing the attention of Dante, Vincenzo, and Luca.

"Hey guys, where's dad?"I question before Marcello opens his mouth and rats me out.

"Gone to some business meeting. He'll be back late at night, though, so don't bother staying up, "Dante replied.

"Nice anyways. I'm gonna go have a shower. Bye!"I quickly rush to my room.

"How come you're here an hour early?",
Luca asks, which makes me run up the stairs even faster. I am not in the mood for confrontation right now.
Marcello's POV:

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