Sorry Note

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Axel's POV:

It's been 15 minutes and Chiara still hasn't come back. Everyone were worrying about it but chose not to express their concerns.

I'm trying hard to be rational right now, maybe she's just a bit lost in the school. But why isn't she answering her brothers' texts then?

"She is okay, right?", I ask everyone.

"I don't want to panic anyone but I feel like Xander's group have something to do with this", Marcello muttered.

I lift my eyes to meet his and nothing but genuine honesty was shown which made my stomach churn in fright. "They're right there, let's go check on them."

Everyone nodded to my order and we walked up to their table, our body posture radiating confidence to intimidate then. As we walked up to them we heard gasps breaking out from other tables. Idiots.

"You seen Chiara?", Enzo asked sternly.

"Check the pool", Ezra responded with a loud obnoxious laugh.

"What?", Victor gritted his teeth, clenching his jaw.

"You heard me", Ezra spat with venom.

We all rushed out the cafeteria with dread filling us to the core. We made it to the pool within a minute and bursted the doors open, the smell of chlorine wafting into our noses. We all split up into different directions to find her more quickly.

And that's when I saw her, her body engulfed inside the water. I threw my blazer to the floor and jumped into the water without a second thought.

I grabbed her by the waist as I pulled her out of the water. Was she never taught how to swim?

Once I came out of the pool with Chiara in my arms I immediately started doing CPR, I was the only one who was trained to do it.

30 compressions and 2 rescue breathes, I kept going but she never woke up.

Three minutes after consistent compressions and blowing air into her mouth she started coughing and spitting out water.

She had tears in her eyes due her coughing up water without a break.

Marcello was the first to give her a hug and cupped her face with his hands asking if she was ok.

"Did I die?", Chiara croaked.

"No, you fell unconscious due to oxygen deprivation.", I say slowly.

"You're soaking wet, I've got a spare uniform in my locker. Wear that.", Enzo instructed.

"Come on, let's go.", Victor smiled, helping Chiara stand up.
Chiara's POV:

I've got a massive headache and don't feel very well. How did they know where I was? How did they save me in the nick of time?

We made our way to Enzo's locker, lunch was over so all the other students were in class so I didn't have to worry about them.

"Here you go, go get changed in the toilets", Enzo passed me his uniform.

I went to the toilets and when I looked at myself in the mirror I tried hard not to laugh at myself, it looks huge on me.

"Are we going to tell anyone about this?", I ask.

"No, we'll sort it out. We know it was Ezra who did it to you. What exactly happened?", Luca questioned.

"I bumped into him by accident and he wasn't very happy and threw me in the pool", I sigh.

"I'm going to kill him", Luca growled under his breathe.

"I'm helping!", I offered.

"I want to drown him just like he did to me.", I muttered.

"We should tell dad and our brothers", Marcello suggested.

"No teachers, just our family.", I agree.

"It's almost time for your detention, you should go chi. Maybe you'll get extra brownie points for being early.", Marcello chuckled.

"Yeah ok, fine. Bye Cello!", I exaggerate his name, leaving the hallway to miss Keynes class. Ugh!

"Hello there, Miss Moretti, take a seat."

I take a look around to see who was there. A couple of random people and this guy in a hoodie with their hood on. Weird...

I put my head on the desk and started to daydream about getting out of this hellhole when I felt a light tap on my shoulder.

"What do you want?", I whisper to the guy in the hoodie. He handed me a note and told me to read it.

To Chiara,

I'm sorry for not standing up for you!


I quickly turn around to see if that was actually who I thought it was. Christian pulled the hood off his head giving me a sheepish smile.

"Chris, your detention's over, you may leave now!", Miss Keynes barked.

"It's Christian, only my friends call me Chris", he replied in a bored tone.

He gave me a little wave before leaving the classroom. I can't believe he wrote down a note for me. I'm gonna keep this forever!

30 minutes are up and now I get to come home. That felt like forever. One of the drivers my family had picked me up.

Dante texted me saying that everyone's very busy and no one could pick me up which is fine by me. I wonder what they're so busy about.

I've got the keys to our house yesterday so I easily unlocked the door entering inside. I was greeted by silence. Not a single sound.

"Where on earth is everyone else?", I murmur to myself.

"Guys I'm home!", I shout to get at least someone's attention.


"Hellooooo, is anyone home?" I scream.


I run upstairs to see if everyone's in their rooms with their headphones in. The rooms were ordered from oldest to smallest.

I tried dad's room first, no one. I'm not really surprised over that, he's only ever in his room when he sleeps. Vincenzo next, no one. Not a single soul.

I've checked everyone's room and there's no one, I rush downstairs to see if I might have missed them or something but my family weren't in the living room.

I turn my head to check the kitchen, the door wide open showed me a display of all the furniture contained in the room and a fridge. A little yellow post-it note sticking out.

I walk closer to see what it said. The handwriting was scruffy and thin so I couldn't make it out from standing in the hallway.

We're all sorting out Xander and his group for what they did to you Chiara, we'll be back soon.

Love, Dad and your brothers♡

No, no, no! Not Christian. He apologized, I don't want my new friend to be hurt.

I try calling them all but all their phones are turned off. I wish I had his number to warn him for what's to come.

"Looks like I'm going to be the one who's sending him a sorry note", I sigh in defeat.

Shattered Hearts; Broken Pieces (Paused, for now)Where stories live. Discover now