Saint Victorian Street

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Marcello's POV:

The traffic was crazy so it took me longer than usual to get home. I can't wait to see my sorella.

I stand outside getting the keys out my pocket to meet Chiara and all I could hear was yelling. Mostly dad's voice.

I walk in the door and I see dad throwing random objects at Enzo and everyone but Chiara is in the kitchen.

What have you done now Enzo?

"Guys what's going on? Where's Chiara?", I ask, my voice containing a hint of worry.

"You want to know what happened? Let me tell you. Chiara thought we abandoned her and we all didn't want her. She thought we took her in out of pity. Chiara grabbed the thing closest to her which was Enzo's poster and ripped it apart out of anger. Enzo then shouted at her asking 'what is wrong with you, you stupid girl'. Chiara then ran upstairs crying to her room", Luca roared whilst dad glared at Enzo.

"Should we go check on Chiara? Whoever got along with her the most should go see if she's ok", I respond.

"Ok, I'll go see if she's ok", Vincenzo said.
A couple minutes later
"She's locked her door, I don't know what to do!", Vincenzo came downstairs panicking.

"Use your gun", Enzo replied.

"Your one to talk, if I use my gun we're gonna have to explain to her we're in the mafia. She's hasn't even been here for 24 hours.", Dad screamed.

"Sorry", Enzo said.

"I don't want your stupid apology", dad shouted.

"Guys just stop arguing and think", Luca pleaded.

"Wait a minute, when did all of this happen?"

"Literally 1 minute before you came home", dad replied.

"Vincenzo, did you hear anything when you knocked on her door?"

"No, why?"

"Well, she would still be crying then if not she would be breathing heavily and sniffling. Are you 100% sure you couldn't hear anything?"

"Yes, what are you trying to insinuate?"

"She's gone. She escaped.", After I said that everyone ran upto her room banging on her door within seconds.

Enzo was the only one left behind. He sank to the kitchen floor, his hands on his head, cursing himself under his breathe.

"Enzo, come on, it's ok. Chiara's probably still in there. Stop worrying. Dad's not going to do anything.", I reassured him.

"I don't care about what's going to happen to me. I'm worried about Chiara. I hurt her, Marcello. I made her cry on the first day of her being her. I don't care what dad's going to do. He can disown me if-"

"Don't be stupid, he's not going to disown you. And stop worrying, there's a possibility that she's fallen asleep, ok?"

I've never seen Enzo like this. He's selfish. He's known to be selfish and now he doesn't care what happens to him. What has Chiara done to him?

"Yeah, I guess your r-"

The next thing I heard was multiple gunshots shooting at the door. Luca and I both raced upstairs to see if Chiara was ok.

I shove everyone out of the way to see our sleeping beauty.

She's gone. I turn to face everyone and they're all devastated. Dad and Vincenzo look ready to kill whereas Luca and Enzo are staring at the open window with tears in their eyes.
Chiara's POV:

I've finally managed to sneak past the guards and I ran. I ran as fast as I could. I've got no idea where I'm going but I don't care.

My bruised ribs and cuts have somewhat healed so I'm not in much pain. I run for about 5 minutes and now I feel exhausted.

I walk into a shop that I saw on the way to the mansion. It had all kinds of  groceries and books/magazines. I found £20 in one of my drawers and took it just incase.

I bought some food just incase I get hungry later on and saved the rest.

"That's all?", The heavily tattooed man asked.

"Yes, thank you", I murmur back leaving the corner shop.

I've got no idea where to go. I can't stay out here on the streets, I'm gonna get myself killed. I regret leaving.

I don't remember the way back home. I can't help but start panicking now. I let a few tears slip out of my eye and I sit down on a curb near the shop.
Damien Moretti's POV:

I pace around the living room with a cigar in my mouth thinking of how to find her.

I had a right go at guards, which ended me in firing them all. How are they meant to keep my family safe from rivals when they can't even notice a 15 year old sneak past them.

I've checked the cameras and all I could see was which direction she went.

"Dad, someone's calling you", my eldest announced.

"I don't have time for chit chat Vincenzo"

"What if it's got something to do with Chiara? If it isn't then just hang up.", He  said bluntly.

I pick up the phone and answer it.

"Boss, why is your daughter at my shop alone without her brothers' or guards?"

"She escaped, what street is your shop?"

"Saint Victorian Street"

"Boys, go to Saint Victorian Street and look around there", I shout.

"Thanks Alessio"

I need to thank him somehow!

I hang up and threw the phone on the sofa, sprinting to my car.
    A couple minutes later

I drove at to the shop, she wasn't there. I drove around the block, my eyes frantically looking for her.

My eyes finally spot her sitting on a curb with her head down on her knees. Her eyes had a tinge of red indicating her crying.

Oh my baby. Don't cry, daddy's here now.

She finally looked up, the big car probably caught her attention. I chuckled thinking about that.

Her eyes widened in fear...
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