07 | The Beginning

Start from the beginning

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Monday, September 2nd

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You seem nervous. Ambrose scribbles on a piece of paper, he gives me a concerned look.

"The results are worrying me. I'm afraid that I won't win over those that don't know me," I say. We sat in our last class of the day which was Geography.

Well you can be a bit tough on them. I roll my eyes at his words.

"And you think Jane isn't too pushy on them by trying to shove those flyers down people's throats as they pass by in the halls?"

He chuckles and pulls out a crumbled pale yellow flyer. He tosses it onto my table and I already know what it was. Jane made sure to enlarge one of her best senior portraits onto a piece of paper with a cheesy slogan that'll get everyone to vote for her.

"It's almost time," I say as I look over at the clock on the wall. The winners were to be announced at 2:30 p.m. and it was a minute away.

I didn't use my artistic skills to make your posters for nothing. I laugh at the paper and the sound of the intercom coming on, perks my head up.

"Attention Hollow Grove Academy students," Mr. Vince's voice blares through the speakers causing everyone to stop in their tracks. "It's time to announce winners of this school year's elections."

My heart thuds in my chest as I wait for Mr. Vince to finish announcing all of the winners starting from the ninth grade all the way to twelfth. It felt like eternity until he finally reached our grade level. He listed off the names and positions of all the winners in every category and finally reached the class president and vice president category.

You're making me nervous, Ambrose signs.

Sorry. I let out a shaky breath at the next words.

"And now your winner for the senior class president," Mr. Vince says, "Evangeline Sinclair."

Relief floods through my system as the class turns to face me and claps. I hear echoes of 'congratulations' but my focus is on Ambrose who is just sketching into his notebook. I give everyone a smile as I thank them for their votes.

Once the final bell rings, I'm outside getting approached by other teachers and students as they congratulate me one last time before everyone leaves the school grounds.

"Bathe yourself in the attention for a bit longer before it's long gone," I hear Jane behind me. I turn to face her as she has her arms crossed over her chest.

Her face is red from anger. She has a fake smile plastered on her face and she's trying her best to not lash out and keep a calm composure.

"I won fair and square," I say with a shrug.

"You don't do much except flaunt your boyfriend and status around. I'll take your position and humiliate you when people realize there won't be much change around here," she says, threatening clearly in her voice.

"What change is there to happen?"

"Just watch your back, Evangeline." Jane heads off to the end of the hall where her friends are waiting for her.

Tiffany appears from one of the classes and meets up with me. "What was that all about?" She gives Jane a dirty look as she finally leaves with her friends.

"A threat," I say, "she thinks I'm going to screw up and that she can do better than me."

"She didn't win to be your Vice President, did she?" She asks.

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