Chapter 14:- La Push

Start from the beginning

"Come on we are waiting for you." I say to her.

I walk downstairs and give Sue and Seth a hug. Sue gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"How have you been kid?" Sue asks.

"I've been ok. Told Billy about us being related yesterday." I say.

"I know he told me." Sue says.

I hear Leah come down the stairs and I go outside to the car.

"I'm in front seat." I say to Leah and Seth.

"You always are. Oldest is always in the front." Leah says.

I get in the front seat and Leah gets in behind me, Seth gets in behind Sue.

I blast the stereo and we all sing along. The first song that plays is Leah's favourite song, it's called Take a bow by Rihanna. The next song is my favourite called Touch my body by Mariah Carey. The next song is mine and Leahs favourite song called love in this club by Usher. The next song is mine and Leah's song it's called buttons by pussycat dolls.
We all sing along and have a little dance. I love being in the car with Leah and Sue. They can sing so good. The next song that comes on is called mash up by T-pain. Nobody but me sings that's song. Everyone says I sing really well but I dont think I do.

When we get to the restaurant, Sue parks the car and we get out. We walk into the restaurant and the waiter takes us to our seat.

"What do you want to drink Izzy?" Sue asks.

"Can I have my usual please?" I ask.

"Double Bacardi and coke?" Sue asks.

"Yes please." I say.

"Ok. Ill go to the bar, you find what you want to eat." Sue says getting up and going to the bar.

I look at the menu and decide I want chicken and bacon pasta salad.

Sue comes back with our drinks. I down mine and go to the bar to get another one.

"Izzy what do you want to eat?" Sue asks.

"Chicken and Bacon pasta Salad please." I say to her.

"Are you sure that's all you want?" Sue asks.

"Yes. That's all I want." I say.

Sue goes to the bar with Seth and orders us our food. I go to the restroom to use the toilet.

I open my bag to see how much money I have in there and I see a little bag of white power. What's that doing in there? I though I too all that? I used to use coke. I take it out my bag and sniff it. There's only enough for one line. I might have to buy some more.

I go back to the table and down my drink. I go to the bar and get enough drink. As I'm a wolf it takes me ages to get drunk.

"Izzy, I don't want you getting drunk." Sue says.

"I wont get drunk." I say to her.

"You already sound like your get it g drunk." Sue says.

Our food comes out and we eat, we're all talking to each other. When I finish my food, I go to the bar buy another drink down that and go to the toilet. I go into the toilet and be sick. I get all the food out my system.

"Izzy your either sick again or using again. What is it?" Leah says.

"Excuse me, I'm not doing any of it." I say.

I walk out the toilet and back to the table. "Are you ready to go Izzy. We going shopping now." Sue says.

"Yes I'm ready for shopping. Got some stuff that I need to get." I say.

The wolf protector. (A Bella and Jasper love story.)Where stories live. Discover now