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YOU TOOK ONE STEP towards the opening of the plane; the wind gently flowing through your hair and gliding across your skin.

the cold breeze was almost enough to distract you from the chaos that was unfolding behind your back.


you inhaled deeply, closing your eyes and savoring the moment one last time before grabbing ahold of your gear in your hands.

"the engine is almost dead!" oyankopon yelled from the pilot seat, grasping at the handles of the steering column.

armin's teeth gritted nervously, "we should jump out! onyankopon, hurry!" he shouted.

your ears rang loudly. in the distance, you could almost see the godly titan inching towards the cliff as the colossal titans surrounded it.

"not yet! we must get right above the founding titan! then, i'll try to crash land this! so make sure all of you get off near the founding titan, okay?" he shouted again, banking the plane completely to your left.

before you could slide to the other side of the plane, your captain wrapped his arm securely around your waist and held you upright. "hold on!"

your free hand grasped onto his shirt, watching as rocks flew in your direction. they were strong enough to knock you completely out of the sky if oyankopon hadn't avoided them.

"you need to pay attention," levi hissed into your ear. "otherwise this isn't going to work."

you gulped down the lump in your throat and nodded, "i know."

standing on top of the founding titan was zeke in his titan form, crumbled debris and rocks in his hand.

he flung them at your plane, trying his hardest to land at least one good shot on you.

"there he is, that fucking beardy." he grumbled under his breath, letting go of your waist as you steadied yourself onto your feet.

you made your way to the open door, studying the beast titan. it was connected by some sort of vein that led back to the founder.

you narrowed your eyes, "we finally found him! our target is the beast titan! we'll do everything we can to stop the rumbling!" armin called, as he was the first to use both of his hands to lean out of the side of the plane.

without a second thought, he allowed his body to fall forward.

"now, go!" oyankopon yelled.

romeo & juliet     ,       e. jaeger  ✓Where stories live. Discover now