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THERE were many things you were unsure of, but staying away from eren wasn't one of them. so, you continued to sneak out every night to see him. sure, every night seemed like a lot, but to you, it was never enough.

to you, spending time with eren was like inhaling in cool breeze on a warm summer day — or seeing a strike of lightening in a thunderstorm.

it was both good and bad at the same time, a mixture that sent your stomach and head into whorls of curiosity.

"y/n," eren says, leaning back against his hands. the two of you were at the riverbank, taking in the moonlight from above.

it had become a daily thing that the two of you would meet up and speak about anything that happened to you during the day.

though, your stories were never interesting but eren still payed attention. "i'm going to be gone tomorrow."

you looked towards him, your legs pulled to your chest and your arms wrapped tightly around them.

"for?" you beckoned, hoping that he'd elaborate further. he did, explaining to you that his father was going to meet a friend of his, who happened to have a daughter your age.

your ears immediately perked up upon hearing the last part, "a girl?" you restated, now sitting right beside him with a smile on your face.

the brunet turned to you, holding back a small laugh at your excitement. he hadn't seen anything like this since the two of you had first hung out together.

"yes. i don't know what her name is, though. but my father thinks that the two of us will get along," he said, nodding his head. "he also wanted to ask if you'd like to come along, but i told him that it would depend on what your parents had to say."

eren flashed you a somewhat pleading glance, insinuating that he wanted you to ask them. since the night that you had been forbidden to see eren, you had been on rough waters with your parents.

it wasn't anything that you couldn't handle, but you weren't sure how they would react to you asking them something such as that. as far as they knew, you hadn't seen eren for a while.

sighing, you frowned, "i don't know, eren.."

you trailed off, picking at the grass beneath your hands. eren's face contorted into a mixture of annoyance and frustration, which you found to be cute.

"it's not fair that they won't let you go to any places. my father is perfectly capable of keeping an eye on both you and i." he said, balling his hands into fists and shaking his head.

romeo & juliet     ,       e. jaeger  ✓Where stories live. Discover now