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YOU tapped a damp towel to his skin, wiping away the blood. you were kneeling in front of him, not minding that the others in the room were staring.

"sorry about that." erwin spoke up, walking up behind you.

captain levi leaned against the opposite wall with his arms crossed over his chest, peering at the back of your head.

"but you did get your point across to the commander in chief and other vips, anyway." he said, bending down beside you.

he looked at you carefully, "i'm sorry for worrying you as well, cadet l/n."

it was very clear how much you cared for eren.

you eyed him, not bothering to say anything. levi grumbled from behind you, "why is she in here anyway?"

you scoffed, standing and throwing eren's bloodied wet cloth at his face. he caught it, dropping it immediately onto the floor and dusting off his hand.

he cringed, "is that how you treat your captain?"

you rolled your eyes, "you're not my captain —" cutting yourself off, you looked away. "at least not yet."

eren stared up at you with a nervous glance. the atmosphere was heavy and tense as both you and the captain threw daggers back at one another with your gazes.

"right." he replied, his eyes finding the commander's face.

erwin smiled, "that gave us the perfect chance to play the card we had up our sleeve. believe me, it was worth it. you have my respect," he pushed his hand out for eren to shake. "i look forward to working with you."

you eyed him again, watching eren shake his hand.

leaning down, you grabbed a patch and pressed it onto his forehead, hearing him hiss in reply. right now, you didn't really care.

"thank you for having me." he squinted.

after a second, captain levi sat himself onto the couch next to eren. he glanced at you and then to the boy next to him. "tell me, eren." he began.

eren turned to him, "yes, sir?"

"do you resent me?" he questioned.

you raised an eyebrow. standing up, you threw the patch wrapper into the trash before crossing your arms.

eren shook his head, "no, sir! i know you needed to put on a show."

romeo & juliet     ,       e. jaeger  ✓Where stories live. Discover now