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A LARGE explosion occurred, signaling that eren had successfully transformed into his titan. from around you, crystal, just like annie's began to appear.

it spread so rapidly that all of you had to jump and hang onto the pieces that splintered off of his titan.

you dropped down, carefully gliding towards the boy's nape in order to draw him out again.

"eren!" you yelled, banging your handle against the crystal.

jean landed beside you, banging the crystal with his gear as well.

thankfully, you were able to break through the tough crystal.

you dug deep, pulling the brunet from the titan as he laid in your arms semi unconscious. your eyes glistened as tears threatened to run down your cheeks.

his eyes fluttered open, the same jade hues staring directly up at your face.

"y/n —" he coughed, reaching his hand up to brush his thumb against the scar on your cheek.

"did everyone —"

you nodded your head rapidly, humming in response. "everyone made it out okay, everyone's here." you whispered.

jean stared down at the two of you before his face contorted into a mixture of disgust and annoyance. he stood from his knees, gagging.

"to think i was worried about this suicidal blockhead." he muttered under his breath.

you giggled, helping eren to his feet as he staggered around.

"take it easy," you whispered, holding onto his arm. "you're out of energy."

he looked at you, blinking slowly until his vision cleared of the blurriness. your cloak that clung to your body was cut and tattered as your uniform was stained with blood.

he twirled his finger through the ends of your hair, now sticky with blood. "what happened?" he whispered.

you looked down at his finger and grimaced, pushing his hand away. "don't touch me, i'm gross. covered in a bunch of mp's blood."

"are you okay?" you question, looking around his body. you wanted to make sure that he didn't have any serious injuries despite his rapid healing process.

he frowned, grabbing your cheeks in his hands and turning your face to his own.

"i put you all in trouble again. i got kidnapped again," he mumbled, "let me ask if you're okay this time."

romeo & juliet     ,       e. jaeger  ✓Where stories live. Discover now