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YOU were both young when you first saw him.

the heat of the summer had finally gotten to you. slumping down into the chair on your balcony, you wiped away the sweat from your forehead and let out an exhausted sigh. all morning, you had been helping your parents prepare for the party they had planned for tonight.

they told you it was something to celebrate the amount of time they had been together for, but you still didn't understand it. you weren't sure as to why they had to celebrate how long they had been married for.

"y/n, dear," your mother cooed, stepping out onto the balcony. your body was slid into the white chair beside the door, your arms flailed out by your side.

she looked down, a small smile on her face. "is there anyone you want to invite to the party tonight?" she asked. opening your eyes, the blaring sun immediately met and engulfed your vision.

you shrugged, "no, not really." you replied. truthfully, you didn't have many friends, and it was mostly because of how overprotective your parents were.

you were their only child, so it did make sense — not to you, though. a hand planted itself on top of your head, smoothing your wild hair back. your mother hummed, kneeling beside you, "do you want some lemonade?"

upon hearing the secret word to your happiness, your face brightened and a wide smile tugged onto your lips. you nodded your head rapidly while your mother laughed in response.

grabbing your hand, she led you back into your home, traveling from your bedroom and into the kitchen where your father was sat. he was decorating a cake, one that was almost as tall as you were; if not taller.

the aroma of fresh baked goods filled your senses and caused your mouth to water with fascination. "what are you guys making?" you asked, jumping onto one of the chairs.

you perched your chin on top of your arms, settling your vision on the movements of the man in front of you. he looked at you for a moment, smoothing out the icing on the side of the cake.

"some deserts for our guests, silly." your mother said, swooping the white icing onto her index finger and booping it onto your nose. giggling, you attempted to stick your tongue out and lick the sweet cream off.

to your avail, you couldn't. "pumpkin'," your father started, turning around and grabbing a plate from behind him; on it laid a dozen cookies, all your favorite flavors galore.

you squealed out, watching as he sat the plate right in front of you with a smile. "thanks for helping out this morning." your father ruffled your hair and turned back to the cake.

romeo & juliet     ,       e. jaeger  ✓Where stories live. Discover now