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YOU raked your fingers through your hair as you leaned your head back against the wooden wall behind you.

after the plan had succeeded, the military police took eren away from you — locking him in a cell underneath the courthouse.

as much as you did to fight your way into see him, the mp's were strict on who could and couldn't go in.

obviously, you were one of the one's who weren't allowed to. it had been two days since then.

"y/n," armin whispered, sitting down beside you.

he looked to your side profile, his ocean blue hues watching as you laid your face into the palm of your hands.

"he's going to be okay. as far as we know, he's only being held until the hearing tomorrow." he said, reaching to wrap his arm around your shoulders.

he pulled you into his body, allowing you to lay your head against the crook of his neck.

leaning his chin against your head, he grabbed your hand and held it tightly, "i don't know what will happen tomorrow, but we'll fight for him, okay?"

you closed your eyes, feeling the tiredness and exhaustion begin to creep across your mind. your body, as it laid against armin, became heavier than the boulder that eren had carried earlier in the day.

you gulped, nodding your head. he caressed you, smoothing your hair down as he breathed softly.

mikasa walked towards you two, staring down at you. she frowned, reaching her hand up to touch the red scarf that was wrapped around her neck.

she could only imagine what was running through your mind, or what you were feeling at this present moment.

no one knew eren like you did, and even if the four of you were close, it was always you and eren in the end. you hadn't had a chance to say anything to him before they took him from your arms.

not even to ask him what he wanted to tell you the morning that the gate had been destroyed.

she sat down on your side, reaching her hand up to brush a strand of hair from in front of your forehead.

you fluttered your eyes open, turning to face her. they scanned her face, noticing the bandaid that was stuck to the cut underneath her eye.

you raised your hand, pressing the pad of your thumb against it, "looks like we're matching now." you breathed out with a soft smile.

romeo & juliet     ,       e. jaeger  ✓Where stories live. Discover now