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YOU were both young, when he first saw you.

from what eren could remember, you were the first girl he had ever seen that looked so — what would the would be? beautiful?

he remembered the first day he saw you; he had been out at the market with his parents. the two of them had gone out to buy various jewelry for the upcoming party that they were going to attend.

"eren," mrs. jaeger said, grabbing her son's shoulders and turning him towards her. "look here for a second." she grabbed a red scarf off of the discount table and wrapped it around his neck.

eren grimaced, trying to wiggle his way out of her grasp, but she held onto him tightly. "mom, it's summer, why do i need a scarf?" he whined, tugging at the red fabric against him.

"don't be silly, eren," she tugged on the brunet's ear with a soft smile. "it's half off, you'll need it for this winter, anyway."

the boy sighed and allowed his mother to tamper with the scarf around his neck. as the two sorted through the different clothing on display, eren crossed his arms and waited patiently for them to be done.

"dr. jaeger!" someone called from across the alley way.

eren turned around with the mention of his father's name, noticing a man with h/c hair walking towards him.

"oh, mr. l/n, it's great to see you!" eren's father said, reaching his hand out to shake the man's. eren sighed and leaned against the table behind him, listening to both his father and the random man talk about miscellaneous things.

"i forgot to ask," mr. jaeger said with a shy smile, "how's the bakery doing? i'm sorry i haven't stopped by often."

the man waved his hand, shrugging him off with a slight laugh. "don't worry, grisha, we're doing good. i get how busy things can be these days." the man gestured to two people who were on the opposite side of the market place.

there was a woman with long beautiful h/c hair and a short girl who was wearing a flowing skirt. her hair flowed in the wind like her clothing — eren's eyes adjusting their vision to her.

she had a bright smile on her face, watching her mother adjust the jewelry around her neck. it was like his scarf, but this time, he was interest in what was happening.

"how's your daughter?" grisha questioned, looking towards the two girls. eren's attention was grabbed at the mention of the question, sure that the two girls was who his father was referring to.

romeo & juliet     ,       e. jaeger  ✓Where stories live. Discover now