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A SMALL fat man squeaked out his words in front of a desk to all of the people who appeared in front of him.

your group being one of them.

"we seek aid for the displaced subjects of ymir, scattered across nations. these refugees were never once eldians, nor do they have anything to do with dangerous ideologies of the eldian empire! they are nothing more than victims, forced by the eldian empire to interbreed!"

he placed his hand on his chest as he spoke, his eyes scanning each and every person in the room.

after a moment, they hardened. "they deserve compassion. it is only the devils of that island who deserve our hatred, above all!" his hands were now on his desk as his pleas continued.

now, you could see why miss. kiyomi warned you about what you were getting yourselves into. none of this would be easy at all.

"the devils who escaped that island 100 years ago are the ones we must abhor. our enemies are those island devils!" this caused your eyes to go wide and your mouth to run dry.

you turned to hold eren's hand, but he was no longer next to you. you looked around, fear running though your veins.

from over your shoulder, you could see his figure beginning to disappear through the doorway.

his face was angled away from you, and to this day you wondered if it was because he didn't want you to see him cry.

"eren," you whispered, eyes wide and tears beginning to brim your waterline.

maybe things would have been different. maybe it wouldn't have gone the way it did if you had trusted him or if he had trusted you.

maybe if you had given him the answer he was looking for, or maybe if you never made him feel like you wouldn't stick by his side.

what could you have done differently?

was there anything you could have said?

yes, that you would stay by his side?

would he have asked you to leave with him and carry out the plan he had?

could you really have done that?

left your friends, and your home?

was it that easy for him? to turn around and walk away?

you clenched your hands against the railing of the boat, teeth gritted against one another and your eyebrows furrowed.

romeo & juliet     ,       e. jaeger  ✓Where stories live. Discover now