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SOLDIERS gathered around you, screaming at the top of their lungs.

"this is it — the human race takes another step forward! show me what you've learned!" the commander shouted over his shoulder and raising his blade into the air above him.

almost as if on cue, everyone around you shouted back in unison. your stomach twisted and turned inside of you with excitement and nervousness.

you narrowed your eyes and raised your blade, hollering back as loud as you could.

"open the gate! launch the 57th expedition outside the wall," he commended, gripping onto the reins of his horse.

the gate of wall rose opened in front of the crowd of soldiers, signaling that it was time for everyone to leave. "advance!"

just like that, the entire group of soldiers began striding along behind the commander.

you trotted in a fast pace, urging your horse to push herself as fast as she could go, "come on girl, we've got this!" you whispered, brushing her mane with your hand as the support squad made their way outside the wall.

almost as if destined, your eyes widened to see a 10 meter titan approaching from the left. the captain in charge of the support squad held out his arm, signaling for every soldier within his squad to hold back.

"10 meter class titan approaching from the left!"

you could recognize where it was, your eyes widening and you mouth running dry. all of your friends stayed on their horses and pushed forward.

"shit! one got past!" a man yelled, lunging towards the nape of the titan.

as you rode past, your eyes narrowed. "defend the line till the death!" another shouted, shooting his hooks into the back of the titan.

with one swoop, he slashed his blades into the titan's nape.

the captain looked to you as you squinted your eyes and continued to look forward.

"don't flinch!" he shouted.

you nodded, watching as the other's in your support squad fend off the titan. since this is your first time outside of the wall, the captain would most likely follow the commander's orders and keep you out of danger as best as he could.

the commander shouted again, hearing the uproar of repetition behind him. "advance!"

the entire group continued to ride through the abandoned town. the support groups landed back on their horses and followed outside of the town.

romeo & juliet     ,       e. jaeger  ✓Where stories live. Discover now