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ARMIN falls to his knees next to you, exhaling the deep breath that he had been holding on to this entire time. "thank you," he whispers out, tears streaming from his eyes. "oh god thank you."

holstering your blades into your gear again, you wrap your arm around mikasa's waist. she gives you a quick nod before running forward and wrapping her arms around him. he sobbed into her chest, clutching at her jacket.

"he did it." you whispered, turning to look up at eren who was already looking down at you.

his gaze looked around your face tenderly, admiring your facial features. "yeah, he did, didn't he?"

before you could process anything, he wrapped his arms around your shoulders and pulled you into his chest. your face fell into the crook of his neck, inhaling his warm scent. eren reached his hand up, smoothing your hair down as he held you tightly.

tears threatened to spill over your waterline and you did your best to gulp them down.

"you scared the shit out of me, eren jaeger." you cried, hugging and clinging to him as tightly as you could.

he rested his chin on top of your head and exhaled softly, "i'm sorry, princess. but i did promise i'd come back to you didn't i?" he spoke lowly, rubbing circles into your back.

as you continued to cry, your wet tears trickled down his skin — causing his spine to tingle.

"y/n, i'm never leaving you," he spoke again after you had stayed silent, "and that's a promise i intend to keep."

you pulled away from the boy, peering up at his face and examining the clearness of his beautiful tan skin.

cupping your hands around his cheeks, you smiled happily. "i promise too, my knight in shinning armor —" you rubbed the pad of your thumb against his skin.

"after all, you saved me again." you snickered, earning a soft laugh from eren as well.

he shrugged arrogantly, "i may not remember half of it, but that does sound like me."

you rolled your eyes, pinching his cheek, "you are always so full of yourself."

eren scrunched his nose, swatting your hand away.

"you're pale, though. you should definitely sit dow —" you began, examining his skin.

before you could finish your sentence, mikasa ran up to you, her hand wrapped around armin's wrist.

romeo & juliet     ,       e. jaeger  ✓Where stories live. Discover now