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THE SUN drifted downwards, illuminating its array of colors across the horizon. you looked out, clasping your hands behind your back as the wind waved your hair back and forth in the air.

"just before sunset," the commander mumbled, looking down over the wall. "it's time."

you looked over as well, watching as the garrison began to take down titans with the mechanism that eren and hange had built for them — the one that the two had both worked so hard to execute the past two months.

as the carts began to lower your horses onto the other side of the wall, you began to hear an uproar of cries from the town below. you turned around, eyebrows raised in curiosity.

"take back wall maria! the future of mankind is in your hands!" they screamed to every soldier who stood on top of wall sina.

your eyes widened, mouth agape, and at a loss for words. "captain levi! "

the man from stohess, who had been harassing your squad the day before, screamed out with his hands cupped around his mouth. his eyes wide in surprise.

"thank you for saving this town! please, all of you come back safely, but get is our land back, too!"

you watched as your captains lips slowly turned into a soft smile.

levi waited for a moment before speaking, "well, they blew it." he mumbled.

hange continued to stare down at the crowd in front of them, directly at the reeves boss's son, flegel.

"someone was bound to figure it out after all that noise." they replied with a small smile.

a soldier beside them turned, a nervous and hesitant look on their face. "uh, actually, i ordered the meat from the reeves company."

"damnit, flegel." the man behind him shook his head.

you looked around at your comrades who stood beside you as well, their screams filling the air as they raised their arms.

hange stood tall, waving their hands, "you can count on us!" they cupped their hands around their mouth as tears brimmed their eyes.

a warm feeling swelled in your chest, especially after being recognized this way.

you always knew the survey corps never had a good reputation, even when you were still a child. however, the way you viewed the scouts was completely different than many people.

romeo & juliet     ,       e. jaeger  ✓Where stories live. Discover now