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WELL this was ironic, was all you thought as you watched eren face plant into the dirt beside you. your body was already in the air, your feet dangling underneath you and your arms extended slightly at your side.

you cringed, staring at him before reverting to your gaze to your right. mikasa, who was doing just as well as you, was slightly leaned forward.

her gray hues were wandering around eren you pushed himself off the ground and pleaded for another chance with the commandant.

shadies stared at him, his hands clasped behind his back and his gaze hard.

a few of the soldiers who were wandering around crossed their arms and smirked towards you and mikasa, "look at them. they're both as steady as a rock. they know exactly what to do, that's what i mean by potential!" one of them said, "looks like we have a lot of talent this year."

the other grimaced as he glanced at your friend. "um, what about him?"

the first shook his head, "that's exactly my point. you may have will, but not necessarily the talent."

you frowned, listening as shadies began to yell at eren to pick himself up.

the soldier behind you let you down from the training equipment, allowing you to unbuckle your straps and meet with mikasa who was already in front of you.

the two of you walked side by side, standing in front of eren.

"come on, eren! you've got this!" you encouraged, cupping your hand around your mouth.

the commandant looked over his shoulder at you, raising an eyebrow before turning back around. you smiled sheepishly, rubbing the nape of your neck and smiling shyly.

eren looked at you, determination now striking more than ever in his eyes. he pushed himself off the ground, signaling for the soldier to pull him up again.

she did, turning the mechanism and lifting the boy into the air again. he struggled, his body shaking rapidly as he did his bed to remain still and balanced.

though, you could tell that something was off, but you couldn't put your finger on it. biting down on your bottom lip, you looked around at his equipment.

there was nothing visibly wrong with it, so you had no idea why he was struggling.

well, you did have one idea.

romeo & juliet     ,       e. jaeger  ✓Where stories live. Discover now