"I'm alright," Bradley replied.

"Alright, two more and we'll be in London."



"Last one!"


They stepped out on the other end, stumbling through a tiled room full of hoops.

"Welcome ter London, mind the gap!" called a tinny voice and Remus carefully manuevered Bradley 'round a gap between the hoops, leading the way across the room to a small booth. They got inside and the booth raised them up, opening like an elevator at ground level in King's Cross Station. There was a great deal of hustle and bustle, people running every which way and trains whistling from the Platforms. Remus smiled - he missed King's Cross. It reminded him of going home to Hogwarts and he breathed deeply the smell of the train exhaust, people, and food that made up the station's unique scent.

"Wow cool," Bradley said, looking around as Remus directed him through to the doors that led out into the courtyard. He stared up at the pretty glass ceilings.

Outside, London was hot and overcast, so the air was thick like soup and Remus paused to take off his jumper, folding it over his arm while Bradley jumped up onto a low stone wall and chased after a pigeon.


He looked 'round and saw Marlene McKinnon coming across the courtyard outside of the station, parting away from her siblings. Remus only knew that's who it was because he spotted her sister, Annalee, who he knew, and another sibling - an older brother with a bushel of blonde hair that was the precise color and texture of Marlene's, the sort of hair that your hand tingles to run through just to see what it feels like.

"Oh hi Marlene. Hi Annalee - and --" he offered his hand to the boy, "I'm Remus, I've not met you before?"

"Archie," the boy said, and he shook Remus's hand then pulled him into a hug so their chests's banged together and he patted Rey's back like old friends.

"Stop attacking him, my God Archie, you have no boundaries." Annalee rolled her eyes. She had on a pressed grey skirt and blazer with twenty-eight buttons and a dark purple scarf tied smartly around her neck, purple high heels, and purple-rimmed glasses. "How've you been Remus?" she asked, smiling.

"I'm alright," Remus answered. "You work for the Ministry?"

"Yes," Annalee smiled, "Newly promoted. Secretary Assistant to the Junior Minister."

"Very cool," Remus had no idea what exactly that entailed but it sounded very official and Annalee looked proud of the title.

"She fetches lunch for the Minister's intern is what she means by it," Marlene said, as though reading Remus's mind.

Annalee flushed, "But I work in the Minister's office."

"Does he know your name?" Marlene teased.

"Shut up, Marly," Annalee replied. She looked at Remus, "She doesn't understand what it's like working in politics."

"But I do understand clothes - will you look at her? How perfectly did I fit her skirt, huh?" Marlene waved at Annalee's skirt.

"Ugh, Remus doesn't want to look at my skirt," Annalee groaned.

"It looks very lovely, rather," Remus answered.

"Gays know how to tell fashion, Annalee," Marlene said primly. "Isn't that right, Remmy?"

"Well, I reckon Sirius is a good deal better at it than I am, but -- wait a second. BRADLEY! Get off that. Get over here!"

Bradley had climbed up onto the plinth of a statue in the courtyard and looked over his shoulder at Remus, flushed, then leaped down to the ground and came streaking back to Remus's side all breathless.

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