𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟏

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♡⃝ ʜᴇʟʟᴏ ◡̈ ☽⋆

Several days has past, and Lia moved back to the hideout

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Several days has past, and Lia moved back to the hideout. She was hesitant at first because she didn't want to disturb Ace, but Sabo and Luffy ended up convincing her.

Right now, Lia is laying down on the grass, counting score as the boys trained. And like always, Ace is the one on a winning streak against Luffy and Sabo.

Lia yawned, leaning against the tree as she tiredly wrote another point for Ace, since he won against Sabo.

Watching him win all the time is getting boring, but her body is sore and he hurt her feelings so, she's not going to help Ace with his training.

Ace smirked at his brothers, "At this rate, neither of you will beat me." He crossed his arms. "Just admit your defeat."

Sabo glared at him, his cheeks flushing red from anger and embarrassment. "Just you wait, Ace! One day, I'll beat your ass!"

"Yeah! But that one day isn't anytime soon!" Ace laughed, placing his hands on his hips. "Hey, Lia! Tell them who won!"

Lia had the urged to roll her eyes, but resisted that urged and stood up. "I'm pretty sure they already know who won, Ace." Even though she doesn't tell them about her anger for Ace, that emotion lingered in her eyes.

Ace pinched his nose in annoyance as he grabs her hands, walking away from his two brothers to talk in private with her. He let out a sigh, making eye contact with her. "Look, Lia, I'm sorry, okay? I was upset... and you were right, I shouldn't have believed all those comments from random people. I just wanted to know if I'm worth living, but they alway said I'm better off dead." He glanced down, "Maybe they're right, maybe I am better off dead."

Lia let out a sigh, pulling him into a hug. "Don't say that! You're very important to me, to us. Who cares of what they think, we love you for you." She pulled away and flickered his forehead. "If you say you're better off dead again, I'm gonna kick your ass, you understand?"

Ace smiled softly at her, patting her head. "Do you forgive me? I don't like it when you're mad at me."

"Tell me this first," She began to say, looking down as her eyes got watery. "Do you really regret having me as a sister?"

Ace wrapped his arm around her, walking side by side toward Luffy and Ace. "Of course I don't regret it! That was just my anger talking." He ruffled her blue hair, making her pout. "C'mon, let's go with the others."

They made their way toward the two brothers, waving at them to walk go them. Lia smiled, hugging Sabo who laughs as she did. Their beautiful moment was interrupted by Luffy growling stomach.

He laughs, turning to look at them. "I want pizza!" Ace, Sabo and Lia looked at each other before shrugging.

Lia grabbed Luffy's hand and ran toward Partys Bar with Ace and Sabo following behind. Once the four kids got there, they desperately convinced Makino if they could use your kitchen. She said yes.

They went to the kitchen, and took out the ingredients to bake the pizza. It consists of flour, oil, salt, yeast, eggs and... well, more.

As the boys prepared it, Lia took the opportunity to prank Ace. She grabs a handful of flour, and walked toward Ace, pretending to by worried.

"Ace, there's a fly in here!" She said, trying to hide her smile. He glanced at her, brows furrowing as he comes close. When he was fully looking at the flour, Lia raise her hands and blows on it, covered Ace's face with flour.

They all burst out laughing, as Ace gave them an annoyed look. His face flushed red when Makino came to the kitchen. She covered her mouth in shocked, but she eventually joined in the chaos. Luffy tried the prank on Sabo, but the blond one was the one to blow it, covering Luffy's face with flour. Everyone laughed at Luffy's pouty face.

After some time, the laughter died down, making them resumed to make the pepperoni pizza.

"When the moon hits your eyes like a big pizza pie~!" They sang, as Lia puts the pizza sauce and cheese on the pizza. The boys put the pepperoni on and place it in the oven.

They cleaned the kitchen as they wait for the pizza to bake. When it was ready, they took out the pizza and eat.

They went back to the hideout after that, tired after a long day. Sabo and Lia cuddled together, both smiling as they fall asleep. Ace and Luffy grew jealous and joined in, all of them falling asleep in each other's arms.


❥𝐓𝐨 𝐁𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝

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