𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟐

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♡⃝ ʜᴇʟʟᴏ ◡̈ ☽⋆

The ship grew closer to the island as the fog cleared out

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The ship grew closer to the island as the fog cleared out. The island's all flat with long ass trees and that surprised everyone. They didn't expect it.

Zoro raised a brow. "Hmm?"

"You're kidding." Sanji said.

"There's nothing at all!" Luffy yelled the obvious. His eyes lit up. "It's like a blank slate! Cool!" He said excitedly. "All I can see is grass and trees!"

"Oh, wow! This is the first time I've seen trees and grass." Lia said, pretending to be excited. "I totally didn't grew up in a mountain where there's a lot of trees and grass."

"This... This place is kind of depressing." Sanji said.

"I wonder if anyone actually lives here." Robin pondered.

Luffy jumped off the ship. "Yahoo!"

"Hey!" Nami yelled.

Chopper also jumped off the ship, along with Usopp. All three of them rolled over the grass, acting as if the never seen or touched grass before.

"Jeez, it's like they have no concept of unknown danger." Nami said as Zoro dropped anchor.

"You can see clear across the island and there's no threat in sight." Zoro said.

Lia jumped off the ship and approached them. She laid down next to Usopp, placing her arms behind her head.

"Lowkey, this is very peaceful." Lia said. Then, Usopp, Lia and Luffy heard a shriek for Chopper.

Lia immediately sat up. "You see something, Tony?" She asked. The other two sat up right after. They look at the direction Chopper is staring at and their jaw's dropped. In front of them, a long bear walked past them.

Chopper tilts his head, not sure what that is, "A human?"

"You stupid! How can a human be so furry!" Luffy yelled, glaring at the poor reindeer. "It's a bear! A bear!"

Lia gave him a death glare and slapped him. "Don't yell at him!" She picked up Chopper and nuzzled her face against Chopper's cheek. That made Luffy puffed out his cheeks and pout.

"T... Tall! This bear is tall!" Usopp spluttered out. "The trees around us are tall, too..."

Luffy stretched his arms to a tree and grabbed a long apple. "Look at this! It's an apple!" He said, taking a bite out of it and raise it up for them to see.

"Don't eat it! It may be poisonous!" Usopp said, raising his hand to grabbed the long apple form Luffy's hand, but before he did, Luffy put the whole thing in his mouth.

Luffy grinned. "Yum!"

"Oh?" Usopp questioned, wearing his sniper goggles. He points to a house, "Look! Is that a house?!"

The three of the turned around to the direction Usopp is pointing at.

"Yeah! Is there someone in it?" Luffy asked.

"Is a repairman in it?" Chopper questioned.

"I doubt it, Tony." Lia said, answering the reindeer's question. Then out of nowhere a long deer past by them, their jaw dropped.

Luffy points the the deer. "Are you guys related?" He asked Chopper.

"That's a deer and I'm a reindeer!"

The four crew mates walked ahead and saw more long animals, and one of them were a dog. Luffy grew excited and ran towards it.

He bends down in front of him, letting out a hand. "Shake!" The dog obeyed.

Lia approached the dog, pushed Luffy out of the way and started petting it. They dog leaned into her touch. Luffy glares at her and pushed her away, he took her spot.

"Sit." Luffy ordered. The dog sat down, squeezed Usopp since he was doing the limbo challenge. Lia covered her mouth, trying to conceal her laughter.

She grabbed his hands and pulled him out of the dog's way. He let out a thanks before the dog rose from it feet's.

"It's miles long!" Chopper exclaimed.

"Wow! I can't even see it's head!" Usopp said.

Lia sighed, getting bored. "Well, I'm going back to the ship. Have fun you guys!" She ran to the ship, jumped on the deck. Robin, Nami, Sanji and Zoro turned around to face her.

"Where were you guys?" Nami asked.

Lia shrugged, making her way to the kitchen. Before she went inside, Lia glance behind her shoulder, looking at Nami. "Exploring."

Zoro raised his eyebrow. "You found something?"

She took a long apple from her bag and tossed it to him. Zoro caught it with ease, she giggled as she went inside. Zoro looked at the apple, noticing a note tied to it. He grabs the note and read the sentence written on the paper.

Your cock is small (^_-)

He scoff, crashing the note with his hand and throws it in the sea. Zoro glance back to where she was once standing, and smirked. "That's not what you screamed last night, princess..." He said in a low voice as he makes his way to the kitchen.

Lia place the coffee pot on the stove and reaches down to turned it on. But a hand stopped it from turning it on, she turned her head to the side and saw Zoro.

"You're not allowed to drink coffee, remember?" He said, turning her around so that she could face him. "Tell me something, Bonita... Why are you not allowed to have coffee?"

She laughed nervously, "Well, years ago, back when I was still in Mt. Colubo..." She began. "Back then, I didn't know how to control my hybrid side yet... so whenever I drank coffee, my hybrid side comes out in the worse possible ways. I almost killed Ace and Luffy multiple times, so now they're scared that it'll happened again." He nods in understanding. "And you know how coffee gives you a lot of energy so..."

"It awakes it."

"Exactly, my marimo. Now they're traumatized." She laughed as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "But I can control it now, so," She puffed her cheeks and pouts. "Please.."

"No, now c'mon." He said, grabbing her arm as he walked her out of the kitchen.

They disembarked the ship and made their way toward the others. Then, the five crew mates saw a ship dropped anchor, well, instead of an anchor it was a paw that landed on land, blocking Merry's path from leaving.

"Hey, what's the deal?" Sanji questioned angrily. "They blocked in our ship."

"This can't be good." Nami said.

Robin's eyes narrowed, That's the ship I saw earlier.

Zoro gave them a glare. "Looking for a fight?"

"Cause we'll be happy to give you one." Sanji added.

"We are the notorious Foxy Pirates!" On of the members of the ship announced. "We want more than just a fight from you." He said, "We want a showdown!"


A/N: How you guys doing?

Anyway, any thoughts of this chapter?

⏤͟͟͞͞☆ To Be Continued...

𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟐: 𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐞𝐲 𝐃. || ᴏɴᴇ ᴘɪᴇᴄᴇWhere stories live. Discover now