Extra 3 - Second Chance to Win (3)

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"He has children, now the second son," I received information on the second prince.

This is is both chance and danger. I rushed to meet Prince Gideon.

"The wedding will be held in too months," I told my wife on the dinner night, Sasha right there trying to slice her food desperately.

She stayed quiet.
I have heard the harsh rejection Prince Radeon gave her, I should spare the second prince for making a way for me. I will send his gifts for the birth of his children.

'Don't worry my dear daughter, I will not let you experience what Christa went through.'


Father-in-law of the future king, my position strengthened. Sasha was the official wife of the first prince, she was then bearing their first child. Moreover, the second prince moved out to the duchy, killing the hopes of the faction that wanted to push him forward.

Prince Gideon would always consult to me with everything he had been concerned with. My future seat as future chancellor had been secured.

"Marquess Tuvania, thank you for everything," he one day said as I was about to leave his office.

I smiled, "I will serve my true king, Prince Gideon."


One breezy morning I read the report on Queen Alessandra with a rush of feelings flooding my thoughts.

This might be the one chance that I have waited for more than twenty years since Christa's death. I ordered for further investigations and plans of actions.

At some moments, I restrained myself. I saw my daughter and her children living happily in Einzlich as it should be. All for Sasha, the one who lives must go on.

At least until I heard, "Prince Gideon surely turned really analytical with a lot of your help, Marquess Tuvania."

"Ah, that is nothing, Your Majesty. All his skill was all the prince's to own," I bowed to the king.

"Gideon is such an amazing person in the cabinet," the king smiled happily, "He will be an amazing councillor to a strong king, like Radeon."


I swore he will never turn my daughter into what he did to Christa. How dare he ruin Sasha's future like this.

And yes, all the poisoning, rumors, to the investigation of the queen's background was all my doing.

As I watch Franz's unconscious face, I laughed and smiled brightly.

"Don't you like it, Franz? Your family is in ruins. Your children are fighting each other, your smart son is going to kill his own mother and sister. Don't you love it, Franz?!" I screamed, "From your deathbed, you will never know that your family is destroyed. Prince Gideon will be the king on paper, but I will be the one behind everything. Just like you ruined my family, Franz."

A payback, Christa will be avenged.

Or so I thought.


I screamed and laughed histerically as I was thrown to the dungeon for the attempt failures. I really took the second prince lightly.

I smiled even brighter as Prince Gideon visited me, "Why?"

"It is to control you, Prince Gideon," I laughed, "The only way for me to strengthen my legacy in Arthenz is by making you doubting yourself and relies on me. In the end you indeed grew to betray and not trusting your own family. Poor you, HAHAHAHAHA."

Oh I loved his desperate face as he walked away. I messed it up, but I managed to destroy Franz.

Soon I heard Prince Gideon will be banished, raising the second prince as the crown prince instead. That moment I realized, Sasha's safety will be compromised.

I asked around, turned out the king granted family forgiveness.

"I will leave with Prince Gideon, I mean ... the ex-prince," Sasha said, "This might be the last time I meet you, father."

"Why?! You could have stayed!"

She shook her head, "I will take responsibility of what my father and my husband did."

"You just sit still and everyone will forgive you. Prince Radeon might takes pity on you."

"Father," she stayed calm, "You should stop. You have to understand and truly think about what you have done. If you always think His Majesty is the one who ruins everything, no it was you father. My choice is because of you father."

"No, Sasha," I tried to stop her as she tried to walk away.

"Father, you ruined our family. But I will bear no hatred to you, this cycle must stop," she shed tears, "I will raise my family with my husband, far away from here. Take care of yourself, father."

I broke.


Author Note

Good day, everyone! Thank you for reading the first side story extra!

Marquess Tuvania is such an interesting story to explore as an antagonist. He has always been behaving suspiciously that it is clear of his ill intents.

I wrote his background story not with the intention of giving sympathy. It is the opposite, even having such a story is not going to get him sympathy. Let alone winning in the revenge.

His feelings and vengeful nature was understandable until the moment he shatters his own family for greed. I initially intended Sasha to be an evil lady, but I thought she was never bad to begin with.

In Radeon's first life, she managed to rebel but still losing her husband. She had no choice but to be controlled by her father. In the second chance, you can see her different choice to stay by Gideon's side despite being given chance to break away. Gideon and Sasha were just the puppets of Marquess Tuvania's drama and manipulations.

I truly hope them happiness in the faraway land 😢

The Second Prince's World RewrittenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz