Chapter 18 - Sisters

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"And His Majesty granted it?"

Karl nods to the question.

Lucelia quickly runs to the other side of the palace to find a room with an open door. She cannot hold her tears when she sees her. Is it her pregnancy mood swings, she does not care. She bursted inside to hug her, and Tatiana just cannot hold her tears as well.

"Thank you for coming here, Lady Tatiana," she sobs.

"No, thank you," she whispers, "You released me and give me a chance that I never dared to ask for."

The two ladies stays hugging and crying for a while as the days turn colder. They both sat on the couch in Tatiana's new room in Zweich Palace.

"You should just call me Tiana from now on, Lady Lucelia. You are my master, the lady of this palace," she giggles.

"No that is really awkward, Lady Tiana," Lucelia laughed.

"What if we both just drops the 'lady'? At least with each other?"

Lucelia thinks for a minute, "Yeah, sister?"

"Oh please, not again," Tiana got teary eyes.


Surely was not expected to see Tatiana Svetlana be roaming around Zweich Palace with the baby Leander in hand. She was officially released from being the King's concubine per Prince Radeon's request to make her the nanny of the Zweich house. Lucelia herself was not expecting Radeon actually listened to her and personally visit his father on this kind of issue.

Tiana has fully immersed. The Svetlana Princess being a dear friend to Lucelia, let alone agreeing to be her attendant accidentally strengthen her standing in the Zweich Palace.

The second prince's magical woman, his blessed son, and a silver princess as the nanny sure a news.

Athena rarely meets her brothers. She barely saw him especially, last time he just bursted in and make their father agreed to a demand he would never make, but because of a woman. She is an aunt now, from that lady that they say is so magical that he locked her up tight in his palace. That lady that can even make the Silver Princess being released honorably, even becoming her attendant.

What is she?

She walked, walked, and walked.
Reaches the cold palace, Zweich. The stairs stepped on, she reached the heights. Every single corner is cold, like what she remembers of him.

That one time Radeon choose to jump the pond to get her scarf back, only to be scolded and accused by their nannies to dirty himself, and her scarf. He never responses, nor defends himself. He will just do it, hit, and run. That really feels like him.

Yet it does not feel as painful.

She keeps walking to find her. The one who is warm, yet does not look like being out of place. She is both cold and warm.

Her silky wavy brown hair just drops down on her gown.

She walks closer to her, they stare at each other. Not realizing she gives out her hand to hold the lady's.

She felt a blitz, and butterflies.


Athena woke up to find herself on a bed. That woman sat next to her, with a butler and maid. Moments later her brother bursted in the room with glares she expected to see.

"Athena," he greeted.

But she cannot takes her eyes off the brown haired lady.

"Is your highness okay?" That lady spoke to her.

"Ah yes," she stutters, "I apologize, did I faint?"

"Yes, I was surprised to hear Lady Lucelia screams and to find Princess Athena to lie down grabbing her hand."

She blushes in shame, might not taken enough meal this morning. As usual, her brother, Radeon just exhales and leave the room.

"I want to meet the baby?"

They ended up awkwardly letting Athena to meet Leander. You can see her very ecstatic.

"He looks like Rad," she mutters, "But he is warm like you," she turns to Lucelia.

Now she know, her name is Lucelia Beaufort. The warmth that neither get cold with the ice, nor melting the ice itself from tbe shape.

Her smile is very enticing, she is indeed magical. Athena would be into her if she was her brother.

"May I visit often, Lady Lucelia?"

She was stunned to speak, "Of course, your highness", but she has a nice smile.


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