Chapter 31 - Rewriting My World

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An adorable star we can see from afar
But a truth it belies
All who enters her dies
Hear the beating of wings as the pendulum swings
And we can't believe it's ever gonna end

You know blood is thicker than water
But you just want everyone to get along


I blasted through the hallway and slammed the door of the throne room to see horrifying sight of my mother and sister being dragged away. Gideon purposefully looked away when I walked in. The guards were trying to block me away to get closer to them.

"Gideon! What the hell are you doing?! You cannot persecute them without proper court proceeding and evidences!" I shouted all the way through the room.

"The poisonous elven blood was enough proof of it."

"And you intend to kill an entire race for a blood of one being?"

Gideon stood up and walked towards me, "Your words are exactly why I should prove that we are not part of it."

"By killing our mother and sister?" I grabbed him by his collar. He looked away, I pushed him to the floor.

I tried to get closer and run to where my mother and sister being held on to. While the guards tried to block me.

"Let him have their last words," Gideon ordered the guards to let me have my way.

Walking closer to where my mother was holding my crying sister tight, she looked at me. Her gaze pierced right to my heart.

"I am sorry that all of you have to be born with my blood," a faint smile, "Can you at least let Athena go?" She turned to Gideon who refused to give any answer.

My mother then gave her hand to reach me, to my face and wiped the tears that I did not even realized I had.


I went back to my palace rampaging the entire room trying to figure out how to end this madness. Screams and tears, wailing and cursing him to death.

"I will stop the execution."

My wife, Sasha, overheard and approached me, "Please don't do this, for your own safety."

"Whose safety exactly?"

"Our family."

I slapped her face. Both of us weren't expecting that. Trying to hold back tears, her face reddens, "Radeon, I will leave. I will take the kids with me."

I laughed, "Don't tell me your father, Marquess Tuvania dragged you into this?"

"His majesty promised us protections."

"Perfect, you should have married him instead of me," to my words she bursted into tears and slapped me back, "Would you trade your kids as well for him if he says so?"

"That's not how it works, they don't have Elven Blood," she ran away and that was the last time I ever saw her.


"You were planning for treason, dear brother. I do not recommend you to do so," Gideon had me tied to the chair.

I was dragged out early in the morning of my mother's execution. I know exactly how he knew about it.

My sanity broke down to pieces as he made me watch my mother and sister being executed by my own brother.

I was not even sure how I broke the ropes tying me up and just dashed to his direction. All I want was just to kill him.

The Second Prince's World RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now