Extra 2 - Second Chance to Win (2)

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I entered the palace, my fists held tight as I have officially replaced my father in the High Order.

The only way for me to be able to win this, is to raise to power.

I raised the standing of March Tuvania, actively participated and climbed through the political up and downs in the cabinet.

My days were endless work to climb the ladder and trust of the king.

One day as I walked into His Majesty's office to report my work, the young prince was there.

"Oh I am sorry to not see you there, Marquess Tuvania," he patted the prince's head, "Greet the marquess, Gideon."

The timid prince was bowing to me.

"His highness is surely amazing," I said.

"I really am so proud of him, he excels all his academic lessons," the king looks so happy.

That moment I realized, I might have found other ways to climb.


"This is all we found this month," I received reports on everything about the royal family. I had to find a way to go through.

I was behind all of that, Prince Gideon was surely friendly to talk to. I saw that, the way he was anxious of his little brother.

"Your Highness, Prince Radeon respects you very much," I told him, "He has such amazing capabilities just to be left in the capital, you have to encourage him to join the wars and expeditions."

He hesitated.

"If you leave yourself, the king and the cabinet will surely miss your help," I reassured.

Moving him out of the picture.


"Your Highness, you must be concerned with your brother causing you problems recently," I talked to him once.

He shook his head, "Radeon just has not matured yet, he will be okay if I talk to him."

"Prince Radeon must be lucky, he is loved by his brother and the people. The cabinet was talking about him. What a victory he brought from the wars."

And I saw him tensed up.

"Yeah, he should learn better how to be a prince," I heard before he wrote off his brother to another battlefield.


It has been moving really well so far, until one day all the second prince changed. Prince Gideon was losing his mind to the unexpected turn.

"How dare he say that to me," one day I found the first prince throwing his glass to the wall.

Soon to be horrified finding me watching.

"It is normal to be angry, Your Highness. I get you."

He turned to me, "You do?"

"Of course, Prince Gideon. You are the soon-to-be king afterall," I sat next to him.

"The crown prince has not been decided."

I smiled, "It does not matter, because it is too clear that it would be you, Your Highness."


I have always known this, my daughter's infatuation on the second prince.

"Lady Sasha has once again tried to visit Zweich," a maid reported to me.

I slapped her.

"You do not understand," my anger filled up.

"I have done everything you wanted me to be. I followed all your lessons, yet you treat me like this, father?" Sasha sobbed.

"And the way you want is to be with the second prince?"

"I like Prince Radeon, father! He is a prince enough, why do you have to force Prince Gideon to me instead," she screamed.

I sat her down, moving her face closer, "I am doing this for your own happiness."

"What kind of happiness? You only want me to be queen, isn't that why it has to be Prince Gideon?!"


"The crown prince has not been decided yet, father," she challenged me.

I raised my tone, "Are you seriously thinking that monster will be chosen? Instead of the ideal prince?!"

"Then why do you even have to force it to me. You don't decide my happiness, father."

"You will only be happy entering the palace if you are the queen."

She sat up straight, that eyes full of hatred, "Father, I am not Aunt Christa."

I slapped her even harder than before. She ran away in tears.


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