Extra 1 - Second Chance to Win

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Twenty five years ago, Tuvania Residence

"My Lord, it is about Lady Christa," that morning I heard the knock in my bedroom. I have heard about the commotion in the royal palace, I was not expecting the truth to arrive this soon.

I rushed to the front gate to see my mother, weeping in tears with my sister in her arms. My father walked in with a hint of sadness.


He shook his head.

"The cabinet? You are part of The High Order, you can do something," I was losing my composure.

The silence and only my sister sobbing could be heard.


Christa has been locking herself in her room. Only the servants have been visiting, she refused proper meeting with anyone. Sometimes I joined the maid to deliver food just to find her staring outside the window by herself. She turned to me with a slight shining glance.

"Will Franz pick me up, Christoph?"

That question always repeated everytime someone tried to visit. She immediately looked away again to the mansion gate. Hoping one day, the royal carriage will stop by.

Christa has always loved him. They grew up together as childhood friends. We have expected for her to be the one for the then crown prince. Father is an honorable High Order member, close to Franz, we thought it would be enough to secure Christa's position in the palace.

"His Majesty King Franz is taking Princess Alessandra of Federline as his queen," the announcement of his bethrothal soon spreads as soon as his coronation took place.

"It is definitely for a political alliance purpose, Franz will not just neglect me," Christa assured herself, "Father, make me His Majesty's concubine."

With the power and connection our family have, Christa entered the palace. I used to think she will have the chance to be a favorable concubine in the palace. I truly was happy with her acceptance.

It was all also political.
Christa is the daughter of Marquess Tuvania, the most powerful marquess family after the dukes. Franz only did it to not offend my father.

Or that was the plan, before the royal family power has grown even more and the king's influence internationally has been acknowledged. His stance to protect smaller countries from Heros Dinasty even increased Franz's popularity.

"The king will release all his concubines honorably. The ladies without family will be granted a proper position to ensure their wellbeings. Other ladies may return to their family, also honorably, may be granted rights the same or even higher than her position before," one day the announcement caused a hurricane.

I was not sure, "Surely Christa will not be returned, right?"

"Even Lady Maebel, the Viscountess Strauss who is famous to be favored and granted rights is released. She will be a palace maid," I shrank to the rumors.

The queen has granted the king two princes. The king has been madly in love with the queen, will not take any other ladies. He wished to respect his dearest wife.

I lost my mind.


Christa had ever since received several marriage proposal. Despite being the ex-concubine of the king, she was released honorably, everyone knew. Moreover, marrying Christa Tuvania will grant you endless connection to Marquess Tuvania.

She never replied to any.

"I will wait for Franz," as her health slowly deteriorated to the hope. He, of course, never cared.

When we had to bury Christa due to her neverending sickness, not even a word was heard from Franz.

Father's despair to my sister's death was driving him crazy. He weakened as he kept telling himself it was all his fault.

"I should have not sent her to the palace."

"No, I should have convinced the king better."

"It was my fault."

"No, it was that darned king's fault to send her back home."

He fell to coma.

As I was appointed the new Marquess Tuvania, I swore I would do my justice.


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