Chapter 33 - When the Throne Shatters

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The king's birthday, a banquet.

Radeon arrived in the capital this evening, just on time for the celebration.

Ever since, he has always been more cautious. He wishes all those remains dreams, but all the events repeat by itself.

"Radeon, it is nice to see you after awhile," Gideon and Sasha, hand-in-hand.

"Yes I've been busy, Schroder requires a lot of work. Is everything good in the cabinet, dear brother?" he answers calmly, shocking Gideon to his interest of the palace politics.

"It ... has been well."

"Are you alone, your highness?" Sasha grins, "Must be lonely without companion."

"I am here for the father's sake, but I will need to go back soon," Radeon smiles, "MY Duchess is with our fourth child afterall, she has not been feeling well."

Everytime he meets his older brother, the corner of his heart wishes Gideon will act differently, the true future king he expects his brother to be. His hope just shatters to see Gideon clearly has become more offensive when Radeon behaves differently than what his brother wanted him.

He indeed wanted a puppet.

As applied to Sasha, who was his wife in that life. Does she even know what her aim is?


"You should visit Schroder, you would love to meet Zachary and our soon to be born."

Franz laughed, "You look way brighter that you moved out to Schroder, Radeon. But how can you ask your old father to go there instead of taking your family here?"

"That is why I am inviting mother and Athena, not you," he snickered.

The laughters fills up the room.

"Father, may I go with Radeon to Schroder during summer?" Athena clings to the king.

He nods and pat the dear princess.

"Why don't you join mother?"

"I have to host a meeting soon, dear," the queen shakes her head, "How about I join Athena afterwards? Take care of her for the holiday."


"Your majesty, may I talk to you in private?"

He turns to his son, sensing the urgency as he changed his way to address.

They both go to his chamber.

"What is it that you want to talk about?"

"You must have heard about my wedding," he takes a deep breath, "I never actually asked for your blessing, your majesty."

Franz just smiles.

"And as a father, you truly are exemplary. As the head of household, you are respectable. I would always like to have your guidance," Radeon bows down.

He then laughs, confuses Radeon.

"I never said anything about it, it would not change any decision you will ever make in life," said the king.

"Why don't you?"

"I trust you to find your own path to life, as I decided to let everyone go except your mother. My children will have to go through it themselves."

"Even if it will not end well?" Radeon trembles.

"I believe three of you will find a way."

How painful to hear that from the person whose death will ever lead to his children murdering each other.

"Is that all, Radeon?

"One more thing, father," he takes out a box, "Happy birthday, father ..."

"You already gave me enough gifts," Franz laughed.

"That one was from a duke to his king," he opens the box and present it, "This is from a son for his father."


One summer night, Athena holding her sister-in-law's hand tightly as she groaned in pains. It has been hours of Lucelia wailings to a difficult birth, the one that never happened before.

Hands on his face, he has not slept for days.

Karl running in the hallway, coming here does not help. He knows the exact drapping noises Karl makes of an unpleasant news.

"No, this is not happening, Karl," Radeon jumps up.

Then realized to not shout as his sister, a midwife, and a woman in labor are in the same room.

He rushes out, "No, no, this wasn't what supposed to happen!"

Karl expected the news to be shocking, but not this reaction.

"He should still be conscious, right?" Radeon grabs him by the collar.

"Your highness, calm down, please."

"He is ... conscious?!"

"His Majesty fell to coma, they expected a curse ... or poison."

His heart plunges.


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