Chapter 36 - It is Not Thicker Than Blood

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"The investigation team led directly by Prince Gideon has announced the involvement of poison related to Elven Type Poison in attempt of the king's murder. It announces that the queen has gone missing, assumed to run from the failed attempt," the royal order said.

Radeon still wonders to this day as to why Gideon has to go this far cornering Queen Alessandra.

The poisoning and the rumors of queen's upbringing coincidentally appears at a nice perfect timing with each other. As if premeditated.

If the involvement of Elven Blood was inevitable, this does not have to get fired at the queen.


"Prince Gideon is currently in Yerevan," said a messenger. Yerevan is one of the closest central region area to the Duchy of Schroder. Radeon is expected to see him.

'He called for me to approach him instead of stepping in Schroder region. Does he think of himself as the king?' Radeon wonders.

"That might be a trap," everyone warns.

Radeon turns as he prepares himself to go, "Then keep the plan going."


He entered the room to find Gideon in the middle surrounded by the men.

The High Order.

"Radeon, you have to send Athena back to the capital," he sure is giving orders as if he is already king. 'Is he that confident that father will die?'

"Under what pretense? The capital is dangerous right now, we cannot let this be. The one who poisons father might still be in the palace."

"Queen Alessandra ran away," said Gideon.

"You won't even call her as your mother. Are you really accusing her of poisoning father?"

There is a hope in his heart that this Gideon will make a different decision.

"Mother or not."

"So we also have the Elven Bloods?" He pretends not to know.

Gideon sighs, "The poisonous blood was ever found only on women."

"And is that why you ask me to send Athena back?!"

"The justice has to prevail, Radeon," he gave Radeon a stern look, "Justice applies to everyone regardless of blood and status."

"The justice you mentioned will not accuse anyone, not even his own mother or sister, without a proper court proceeding."

The room turns silence.

"Sure ..." Gideon was going to say something, but then Marquess Tuvania cut him, "Prince Radeon, you should be wise to help Prince Gideon with the investigations as well."

Why is he here again?

"Radeon, even court proceeding will require the person in question to attend. I never say the trial will not happen."

Radeon sighs and walk out, just before leaving the door, he turns, "I will be sure to wait for that trial."


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