Chapter 23 - Order of the Knights

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She just knows recently that Sir Darren, the prince's assistant to be the vice commander of the royal order.

"His highness surely is an amazing tactician, milady," he tells Lucelia one day when dropping documents in the office, "Just if only he can do better in conveying his words to other people."

Lucelia smiles, "That is why all the burden is on you, vice commander?"

"To avoid misunderstanding, especially," he sighs.

"I will apologize on his stead, you maybe should ask for raise."

"I wouldn't dare, milady. His highness has become more likeable recently, especially by the soldiers."

She is curious, "Oh really?"

"He used to feel like he wants to actually live in the battlefield, keep looking for the enemies nonstop," he trembles remembering those moments, "It seems like recently he is to finish everything as quickly as he can, he surely is eager to come home."

He turns to look at the lady in front of him.


The two princes of the Queen Alessandra, Gideon and Radeon has always been the opposite side of the coins.

Gideon's birth was celebrated ecstaticly, he was raised with expcetations and surrounded with demands of being the best. He turned out to meet those expectations really well. He behaves the way a king is expected to be. He kept on top of his academics. Gideon has all it takes to secure his path.

He would just never expects how hard it is for his younger brother to just follows. Radeon is that kid who never listens. However, God is surely fair. He is the military genius. Nobody really likes to be his tutors or even just to be the maids assigned to him. The story of his tempers just never ends.

Even so of this, the king never truly announce official crown prince of the Arthenz to succeed him in the future. It is as if he hopes Radeon to change. However so, to people's perception, Gideon has been seen as one. Radeon is the one who cannot compares.

Radeon's home is the battlefield, his friend is his sword and punches.

The monster.

Even if when they clearly complains and secretly curses at him, the soldiers never truly hate him.

That one day he covers for a lowly soldier causing him a wound on his shoulder, those batalyon cannot forget the way he appears and took the blow. He just walk away while saying, "It is such a hassle to bring your bodies home, don't die here."

Darren, especially, he knows they truly respects him. Even though his commander is truly annoying most of the times, this must be a love-hate relationship.

"We will be hunting from dawn to dusk, non stop, no breaks. Bring all your rations, finish it up if needed. We will not stop at all until you bastards fill those carriages," the second prince announced that day.

He heard the cursing soldiers, "I wish I can hunt his head down instead."

Darren swore Radeon heard that, but he just  shrugged it off.

"Prepare a feast on my tab, let it arrive by midnight," the prince ordered him to.

Darren knows by the just several hours everyone can like and hate him at the same time.

That night after an awful training the prince made his knights to do, "Happy birthday, commander!"

The deadly beaten guys dragged their feet on the ground to serve him a birthday cake.

"I don't really like cake, you guys eat it," he intends to walk away.

Darren holds him.

"What are you doing vice commander?"

Darren can die later, but at least he will not regret this, "Just be a laidback this once, your highness. You are our commander afterall."


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