Chapter 7 - The Night Breezes, The Crumpled Sheets

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For the past two weeks, it has become a daily routine for her to leave for the Zweich Palace once the sun begins to set. Tea tray in hand, black ribbon uniform with additional red bow in her left arm. Rushing to get there in time.

She steadily receives between 5-10 gold coins every single day. Karl sometimes asks the other maid to prepare Lucelia dinner or breakfast as well as sets of changing clothes.

It is just another day of serving the prince. Today she is running late, she was busy embroiding a new curtain for the salon with the other girls that she forgot the time. Rushing to Zweich, Karl was there on the stairs.

She apologized for being late, but the middle-aged man just smile, "Prince Radeon has not come back today, he will be late as well from the security survey. Please wait in his quarter, no need to rush. I will send a maid to bring you some herbs."

Did he just notice her pained back and cramped sides? Oh how grateful.
She drags her feet to the chamber that feels more like her room than her new dorm now. She has never slept in her own room properly for the past weeks, yet this one feels like home.

Putting herself on the couch, her head lay down on the soft pillow that smells like azalea.

She heard a creak on the door and jump herself straight to give a curtsy as Radeon opens the door, a bag in hand, with his army uniform.

"I asked Karl to prepare dinner," he looks at his own hand, "a maid was going to deliver this for you, what is this?" He is smelling the strong pungent smell from the bag.

"Warm herbs your highness, Sir Karl was concerned I seemed having back pain ..."

He is being quiet for a moment, "back pain?" He walks to the doors, open them and yell out, "Bring the dinner here, I will be eating here, two sets!"

"Yes your royal highness," a faint maid voice is heard.

Radeon turns back to look at her, "Undress, get on the bed."


The last thing to imagine for her happening right now is the second prince of this empire applying warm herbs pouches on her bare back on his own bed.

It is not like this is the first time she is undressing on the exact same bed, not doing what is usually intended to be done makes her feels more exposed. The warm herbs is seeping to her skin, calming her down.

She might have done too many things recently. Despite her night routine in Zweich, she is still a maid for the Bridge. The classes and trainings might have also drained her remaining energy.

She opened her eyes as she felt the sheets moved. Radeon is moving away and walk towards the bath. She can take a break for a while, the body language said.

She can't help to watch him taking off his uniform. Those fabrics look tough. He sure is a soldier. His back is moving away, the water is running. Faintly she heard splashes and wavy water noises.

She might have fallen to a nap when she wakes up around 10 minutes later to find him in his bathrobe trying to wake her.

"Eat dinner with me ..." he said while moving the now cold herbs pouches.

Lucelia sat down and look around, the night has darkens really fast.
She put both her legs down and cold night air made her shivers.

He sat down on the chair, "Bring the blanket."

Now she is dragging blankets to the dining chair like a lost kitten. The food is surely amazing, the pay is splendid, the future is at hand. For a lady of a poor barony, this is a cheat card, more than enough for whatever she can ask for in life.

"Working as a maid in Bridge too hard?" He glances at Lucelia.

"No sir, it is just busy recently because of the winter preparation."

"You can take a break for a week," he reached for his wine glass and take sips.

"Pardon me?"

"I am going to a winter preparation hunt tomorrow, Karl will inform you when I'm back."

Looking out from the window, the yellow leaves falling out signs how it will get colder. Clear sky, the stars scattered shines brightly. This will be her first winter in the capital.

She is lost in thought staring at the night sky, Radeon got up from his seat and walks to her side of the table, catching her attention. Trapping her with his arms, one holding her back of the chair and on the table. His lips softly touches hers. Really sweet as the wine was really nice. He was being really gentle.

He pulled himself and whisper staring at her eyes. Fingers on her cheeks, "Too bad I can't take you with me."

She blushes.

One swift move carry her from the chair away. The force drops the blanket on the way. She ends up on the bed again with all red and blush.

This is a neverending night.


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