Chapter Fifteen

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Man these chapters are coming out quick

TW: talks of miscarriage


September, 2021

Mallory woke up before dawn, feeling a surge of determination to start her day on a healthy note. She slipped on her running shoes and athletic gear, quietly tiptoeing out of the bedroom so as not to wake her wife, Taylor. The streetlights cast a soft glow as she stepped outside, the chilly morning air sending a shiver down her spine.

Setting a brisk pace, Mallory's feet pounded against the pavement in rhythm with her pounding heart. The rhythmic sound and the fresh air seemed to invigorate her, pushing her forward with each step. The world around her was still and serene, and she felt a sense of tranquillity wash over her as she jogged through the quiet streets.

However, just a few blocks into her jog, Mallory's sense of tranquillity was abruptly interrupted. A sudden wave of nausea swept over her, causing her to stumble to a halt. She placed her hands on her knees, taking deep breaths in an attempt to steady herself. She had never felt this sick during a morning jog before.

Clutching her stomach, Mallory's mind raced as she tried to figure out what had caused this sudden onset of nausea. She had eaten a light breakfast before leaving, and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. As the feeling intensified, she knew she needed to find a restroom quickly.

Spotting a nearby restaurant, Mallory jogged towards it with urgency. She burst through the door, her face pale as she rushed to the bathroom. The cool tiles underfoot provided a brief sense of relief as she reached a stall just in time to retch into the toilet.

After a few minutes, the bout of nausea subsided, leaving Mallory feeling weak and slightly embarrassed. She splashed water on her face, taking a moment to compose herself. As she stood up, she glanced at herself in the mirror, her brow furrowing as she noticed the faint pallor of her complexion.

Something else caught her attention then-her reflection was framed by the mirror, but it was her breasts that seemed larger, more tender than usual. Confusion crept over her as she gently touched them, feeling a dull ache that sent a jolt of fear through her body.

Gathering her resolve, Mallory left the restaurant bathroom and began jogging back home. Her thoughts were a whirlwind of emotions tangled together. The sun had risen higher in the sky, casting a warm glow over the streets as Mallory finally reached her doorstep.

Breathing heavily, Mallory entered the house and made her way to the bedroom, where Taylor was now awake, picking out clothes for the day.

Mallory sat on the edge of her bed, her brow furrowed in concern. Her fingers lightly touched her chest, a strange sensation making her pause. Her breasts felt unusually tender and sensitive, a sensation she hadn't experienced before. Her mind raced as she tried to dismiss her worries, chalking it up to hormonal fluctuations or stress.

But as the discomfort persisted, Mallory's anxiety grew. She couldn't shake the niggling thought that something might be wrong.

"Hey," Taylor asked softly. "You okay?"

The brunette hummed. "My boobs hurt. I think I'm going to call the doctors because it's been like this for a little while now."

"Okay," Taylor nodded. "Do you need me in the room with you?"

"No, I'm okay."

Taylor smiled and kissed her wife's cheek before putting the clothes next to Mallory and leaving to get a shower.

With a deep sigh, Mallory picked up her phone and dialled her doctor's office, her voice carrying a mix of apprehension and determination.

"I've been experiencing some unusual tenderness in my breasts," Mallory explained to the nurse on the other end of the line. "I know it might be nothing, but I thought it would be best to get it checked out."

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