Chapter Nineteen

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Finger(tips)? I hardly know her!


February, 2017

- Production of Stranger Things 2 postponed due to the funeral of Gregory Williams (a new cast member's father)!

When Taylor woke up, Mallory's side of the bed was void of the younger woman. Instead, it held a cat. Taylor smiled at Lexie, "Where's your mom?" She asked softly. The cat meowed and Taylor grinned, "You don't know? Okay..." She yawned and threw her legs over the side of the bed and stood.

Taylor opened the door and was bombarded with the smell of breakfast and sound of singing and music. Sad Girl was playing and Mallory was singing along to the lyrics until-

"Ah! Fuck!" Mallory cried out in pain, glaring down at the frying pan that she had touched, "You fucking, stupid cunt. What is wrong with you? You just- Ugh!"

Her fingerprints were on it.

Taylor chuckled against the wall as Mallory spun around, holding up a spatula before relaxing at the sight of her girlfriend. The blonde raised her hand in surrender, "Please, have mercy on me!"

The brunette rolled her eyes and lowered her weapon, "Morning!" She said brightly, "I had such a great day yesterday."

"You buried your father," Taylor furrowed her eyebrows.

Mallory squinted and shook her head, "But now I'm an aunt!" She raised her arms in the air and did jazz hands, smiling, "Now I get to buy Taylor gifts and spoil him rotten, condition him to think I am the best person in the world, and then turn him against his mother."

Taylor furrowed her eyebrows at the name before they widened.

Breakfast was done and Mallory shared out two plates of the food, placing them on the dining table along with a cup of coffee and a glass of orange juice. The two sat opposite each other, eating as the music continued playing. Turns out Mallory had been listening to Ultraviolence in order.

"So," Mallory said, kicking her legs up onto the chair beside Taylor, "What did you want to talk about?"

The blonde's mood dampened astronomically and she pushed her food away, suddenly feeling sick. Mallory frowned as the blonde struggled to find her words, "Someone saw... Someone saw us- together."

"We're together a lot," Mallory furrowed her eyebrows, blinking slowly.

Taylor gnawed on her bottom lip, a nervous quirk that she had picked up, and nodded, "Yes, but we were in a compromising position this time." Mallory's eyes widened. "Have you really not seen the headlines?"

"I haven't," The brunette shook her head, "What were we doing?"

The blonde grimaced, "Kissing in James' car. It's really blurry, but they can tell it's me. And I haven't been in London with any brunettes with chin-length curly hair ever apart from you. Not to mention they literally know that this is your new house."

Mallory nodded and shuffled forwards, "I'm assuming that you don't want to go out and exclaim 'Yeah, I'm dating again. So what? I love Mallory and she loves me. So fuck off!'" She mimicked, making Taylor crack a smile.

"I don't know."

Mallory gave a sympathetic smile and held Taylor's hands in hers, "Who says you need to say anything? Let them call it what they want, they have no idea about me and you and they don't need one. Don't give them the satisfaction, they want a reaction, right? Let them continue spreading their bullshit rumours and then when we're ready, we can tell them. Whether it's before or after we decide to run away to an island in Italy or never at all."

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