Chapter Nine

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Short chapter, sorry. Probably won't update for a little bit (filler chapter)


September, 2016

- Why Taylor Swift Disappeared.

Mallory's feet padded against the kitchen floor. It was cold, but all of her socks were dirty and she hadn't packed any slippers, so she'd have to live with it. Taylor was aggressively mixing together some ingredients into a bowl, Mallory didn't help and just looked at her in amusement.

"Fuck off," Taylor murmured, feeling eyes on her.

The brunette grinned, "I've never seen someone so happy making cookies like the batter murdered their entire family."

"It's too stiff," Taylor grunted.

"Add some milk." Mallory shrugged, "we have oat in the fridge if you're worried about it tasting too much like cow and chicken."

Taylor shot Mallory a look that screamed, 'what the fuck?' Before looking at her hands. "What's that?"

Mallory grinned, placing the origami crown atop of Taylor's head. "We're being domestic, my American Queen," She saluted jokingly, "I am your loyal london girl until the day ends."

"What's a london girl?"

"Me!" Mallory shot her a smile, "what're we making?" She clasped her hands together.

"Kitty cookies," Taylor grinned.

She then turned the bowl upside down, aiming to get to dough on the counter. She missed, making Mallory leap forward to catch it. Mallory threw a glare at the blonde who gave a guilty smile. The brunette scoffed, slapping the dough onto the counter that Taylor had already covered in a thin layer of flour.

The flour shot at the singer who gasped, "Hey! I like this sweatshirt!"

"I should hope so. I have great style." Mallory grinned.

Taylor blushed, looking at the jumper she was wearing. It was Mallory's, she'd now realised. Not only that, but it was a purple Speak Now jumper.

The blonde rolled her eyes, pushing Mallory away, "Hush. These cookies aren't gonna bake themselves."

They split the dough in half and each took a rolling pin. Mallory was the first to get it to the thickness that Taylor had wanted and took the cat shaped cookie cutters and began placing them on the tray. Once the cookies were in the oven, the two girls locked eyes.

"Board game?"

"You're going down, Swift," Mallory smirked, "which one? Scrabble?"

"Obviously," The blonde rolled her eyes, dragging Mallory to the dining table. She took out the game and set it up.

"Paper, Scissors, Rock to see who goes first?" Mallory asked, frowning when Taylor pulled a face.

"It's Rock, Paper, Scissors," The singer shook her head, but then nodded. "On 'shoot'. Rock, Paper, Scissors, shoot!"

Mallory won, having scissors over Taylor's paper. She grinned and put 'S-W-I-F-T' on the board. Taylor rolled her eyes as Mallory took out five tiles. The game went on for a while until Taylor inevitable won, making Mallory groan, claiming that she was science smart, not English smart.

The cookies had been taken out mid-game and were cooling on the side when the two women heard a crash. They both jumped up and rushed to the kitchen, seeing Olivia spread out over Lexie in the kitchen counter, the plate of kitty cookies on the floor.

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